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Badges Updated: Part 2

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AB Editor | 12:45 Wed 03rd Oct 2012 | Editor's Blog
51 Answers
Previously we've had problems with certain badge pages crashing browsers, like this one:

Well, we've fixed that!

It's safe to rummage in your badge pockets now!

We're still working on other issues.


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Can I have a Blue Peter one?
12:46 Wed 03rd Oct 2012
Can I have a Blue Peter one?
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You can have one we made earlier.
still only got three, what a swizzzz
I've got 4 so ner ner ;-)
I've got 4 as well so ner ner ner ner.
Thanks for sorting mine Ed!
*squarebear and ummmm laugh and point at em10*
well fluffing hell.
I'm winning . . . .ner ner ner
Gawd, she's a big head lol ^^^^^6
bribery comes to mind.......
four pah!! .....umm I mean well done.
I only have 2 :'(
SP six blimey that's a record surely
em10 - not when I ban him lol
Em six is the new four , I have six.
don't wanna play this game no more, exit stage left...
Gawd, another big head lol.
Thanks, Mam xx
six for mamya as well.

five here - hoping Ed will strike one for 100 best answers as I'm getting close to that hurdle.

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