As you kindly pointed out, tomorrow 16th is the first anniversary of the First Church of Answerbank. Could it be possible to award a badge to all who have posted, or who post on the day?
Might it be time to update the calendar and book references, too?
Our programmer has been run over recently and, as such, can't always work - which is why we're a bit slow on delivery of a few fixes! (which is also why we wont be able to do a quick badge!)
\\\\\They lie tucked away in each ABer's profile, does anyone really go into others profiles to see what badges they have gained?\\\
You bet they do.
Badges to many are the rewards of success, in fact probably the only manifestation of success that they have had in their lives. A sign of importance.........I have no truck with that except it may give a false sense of importance.....but that also is fine with me.
My big moan is about the number of threads we have had since the inception of the badges and the bleating and pleading for badge recognition........