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Ed-Ing And Mod-Ing

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humbersloop | 11:09 Sat 11th May 2013 | Editor's Blog
171 Answers
I fully understand that it's the Ed's site and them's the site rules...

..just for clarity though, are there a generally agreed set of standards between various Eds and Mods about what is an acceptable posting and what isn't, and are they - more or less - evenhandedly applied?


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I expect so B00, just having a seriously "step away from the keyboard sloopy" moment and doubt I was alone
how did you deliver that Cream Cake to Boo so fast

B00 can ingest them psychically
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they do badges for creeping to the Mods as well slack, but it's secret
sorry shar, i just have to say liaising is spelt with three I's. I don't really understand why i have to say it, i just do
That's okay bednobs, I never mind a spelling error being corrected:)
because its such an amazing concept.
Sorry bednobs, I just have to say "I" is spelt with a capital I, I understand why I have to say it. Plus a sentence normally ends with a full stop.
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you've lost me there woof
Just to point out, there is no automatic removal if a thread gets a certain amount of reports. I believe that's how it once worked way way back but it was getting abused by people with multiple names, now reporting just flags the thread for an Eds attention (and only the Eds, Mods don't see reports)

Also, I'm fairly sure I am human (above 50% sure anyhow) :)
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thanks Chuck

..gazes at Chuck's avatar and speculates on which is the 50%
ahhhh, apologies then, I still thought that's the way user reporting went.


"Also, I'm fairly sure I am human (above 50% sure anyhow) :) " yeah yeah ;-)

... says the lizard...
humbersloop, a word that is spelt with three "i"s
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right o woof

actually, looking at the op's grammar, it should have read *is there a generally agreed etc, but I seem to have got away with that one
By my understanding, there do seem to be a few rules that aren't on the list and some variation in 'standards'. I suppose to a degree if someone in charge doesn't like something, it's their own personal choice as to what they do about it (or not). I for one am against reporting posts unless they compromise someone's personal security or if they are obviously spam.
If for example one of AB's resident fascists let rip with a load of four letter words at me, I wouldn't report that - I despise censorship.
agree with that - even the spammy ones; some of them can be fun when the humourists let rip in response, and then we get that 'misery' thread yesterday, threatening retributions.....all a bit excessive and heavy, I felt.
AP, I would report it though if they let rip against somebody else
Could it be that, because there is Not an agreed set of standards, some posts and people are allowed to remain within AB.?

"Could it be that, because there is Not an agreed set of standards, some posts and people are allowed to remain within AB.? "

Now you're getting it! Just make sure that bribe's big enough and you can say whatever you want on 'ere.

My bribes are usually of the edible kind- thank you very much.


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