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Ab Slow

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naomi24 | 09:22 Wed 11th Sep 2013 | Editor's Blog
62 Answers
Is anyone else finding AB has been terribly slow over the past couple of days?


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Fair enough. I am only familiar with the browser I use, and cache and cookies are seperate.
Ed- I think naomi is referring to what happens when we click on My Profile and then select Answered in order to view threads we have answered. I recall it was acknowledged about 6 weeks ago that this was an issue that was to be looked at. I was hoping to ad a link to the thread but it seems you regularly clear out Ed's Blog as older posts seem to disappear
Right, when I follow factor's instructions I get this list of ticked options

Clear browsing history
Clear download history
Delete cookies and other site plug in data
Empty cache.

Which ones do I keep clicked?
^for "ad a link" read "add a link".
Tilly- you can definitely clear the first two. I also clear the bottom two but accept I'll to sign back in to AB. I don't fully understand the cookies issue but don't seem to have any problems when I delete them and feel safer in case there are any undesirable cookies there
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Thanks all. I’m using IE9 (I think). I’ve done as Gromit suggested, and I’ve tried navigating the site. Although it seems a bit better it’s far from right. As I try to type in the answers box, the cursor keeps ‘hanging’ – which is what has been happening for the past two days – and it takes ages to get from one section of AB to another. The only way I can post is to type in a Word document and copy and paste – and then much of the time it takes several attempts to get the ‘submit’ button to work – and that is going through a gamut of different colours each time I click on it. Also when I went off to clear the cache, etc, I couldn’t close AnswerBank down. I’m wondering if there’s something wrong with my computer – but I haven’t had a problem with other websites. Let’s see what happens when I try to post this – copied and pasted from a Word document. Here goes.
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Still hanging – and that ^^ took three clicks on ‘submit’.
Maybe I misunderstood, Ed- naomi's problem is not what I thought it was was
naomi- when it's hanging, is there a message at the bottom left saying something like "waiting for...."?
Have you tried it from a different browser?

That would at least determine if it is a software or hardware problem.
I had so many problems with IE9 on AB that I changed to Chrome and it's been really good.
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factor, no messages – just the cursor ‘hanging’ as I try to type. I get a couple of words in but no more – and it takes ages for the cursor to reactivate so that I can delete what I’ve typed. I’ve had to come out of AB several times just in order to get rid of the half a message I’ve been able to put in. Also it’s really difficult to navigate the site. It all seems kind of ‘jolty’ and inconsistent. I can’t even use the side ‘up and down’ sliders to any effect. The whole thing seems to be ‘sticking’. I’m reluctant to try a different browser. I’m not very good with technology.
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^^ That one posted first time! Progress!
"Fair enough. I am only familiar with the browser I use, and cache and cookies are seperate."

Cache is quite a general term and can refer to things beyond the browser (like a site might have a cache to help speed up the loading of pages). You're right though, they're separate for most purposes!

It sounds like your system is under stain Naomi - do you have anything running in the background, like a AVG scan or example?

Have you tried clicking the little piece of torn paper?
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I don’t think I have anything running in the background – but now you mention it when I first switch the computer on I do sometimes get ‘high usage’ messages popping up – although not necessarily when I’m in AB. I’ll get my husband to check it for me tonight. Perhaps that’s the answer. Where’s the little piece of torn paper? I can’t see anything like that.
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Ed, Have you seen this?

I’ll try doing a scan.
has been slow the last couple of days and i am always clearing cache and history
When AB is slow for me in Chrome I get a tiny little message in the bottom left corner, usually saying "..waiting for ads..." so i think it's because some ads are slow to load. I think also it can be browser add-ons that slow things down- maybe you need to review those.
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I often get the message ‘The Answerbank is not responding’ – but that happens frequently – not just over the past couple of days.
naomi....If you wish to establish what number IE you are using then click open Tools (Gear wheel, top right alongside Star) and then click 'About Internet Explorer'.

I prefer Firefox as my Browser. However,I am posting this as a test on IE9 to see what happens when I hit the 'Submit' button.


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