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Ab Slow

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naomi24 | 09:22 Wed 11th Sep 2013 | Editor's Blog
62 Answers
Is anyone else finding AB has been terribly slow over the past couple of days?


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What I've noticed is - when several post are 'loading' to the same question which one is also responding to, AB becomes slow and it takes a while before 'your' response/answer goes through. (hope this makes sense)
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Thanks Alston. IE10.
Cut power to the modem for 5mins then power up. Boot up pc when modem is ready.
I think your problem could stem from IE10. Lots of people have had issues with 10 and have reverted to IE9.

No problem here on IE9
naomi... I am trying to be helpful but struggling to think what could be causing the problems which you are experiencing.

My view is that IE10 was developed for use with Windows 8. Consequently I would like to know what is your operating system (Windows Vista, XP, W7 or whatever.)

I would also like to hear a few opinions from other ABers about my views on the problems which prevail.

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Alston, Windows 7.
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Just got a message about an 'add in' that was causing problems, and have taken the option to delete it. Also another message "The AnswerBank is not responding due to a long running script". Don't know if either of those could be significant.

I'm having problems typing searches into Google now. Definitely something wrong with my computer. I should have posted this in Technology.
I am wondering if it is some advertising that is causing the problem. A long running script failing to exucute would not really come from the bare bones of the site. Can you block Ads and see if you are still having the problem?
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I can try it. It seems to have speeded up a bit now. I am typing this directly into the 'answers' box. Let's see if it will let me post it.
I think the problem might be an Add On (not an add in). You can check your add ons and see how much time they are adding to your system (at least you can on Mozilla)
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Yes! Hopefully it's clearing.
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237SJ, told you I'm rubbish with technology. :o)
naomi - I am as well but I have managed my add ons at some point. Christ knows how I did it now but I do remember that you can pick and choose which ones you want and find how much time they take up (usually a few seconds or more which all adds up)
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I'll have to figure out how to find them and evict them. Trouble makers! :o)
...that part is under Control Panel and Computer Performance (on mine, anyway!)
naomi...I would like to see you having a shot at trying another Browser or reverting to IE 9. You can have as many Browsers as you like without doing any harm to your Operating System. I have four...IE ; Google Chrome; Safari and my favourite Firefox, with a few useful Add-ons.


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Alston, it seems to be working well now. Thank you to all for your help and for your good advice. :o)
I am pleased naomi. However, if further problems develop, you have a few options open to you.

All the best....Al.
Question Author
Thanks Alston. :o)

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