I posted an entry entitled High Time in the News section recently and have since then certainly not - unless by touching something inadvertently - chosen a 'Best Answer'. However, I now see that one such answer HAS been given that accolade. Since the chosen answer was the second one offered, how on earth would I or anyone else have chosen it as 'best'?
I am not trying to denigrate the answer, as such, but I was never aware that such choices were simply taken out of one's hands. My query, therefore, is: "Are they?"
In my life i have never been given something for nothing, I have always worked for what i have got an valued it.
The part that i am referring too, is well known by most participating in this thread and it involves getting something for nothing in a blatantly uneven playing field.
This i accept.....life isn't always fair........but the BA fanfare by one and a Mod everytime one gets 1000 BA sticks in my crop and clearly other ABers are also unhappy.
Well, silly me, Baldric! There was I imagining that Ed's Blog was a blog created by Ed whenever the spirit moved him/her to do so. Having never looked at it, I had no idea that just anybody was at liberty to post material as an originator there, whilst I guessed that the rest of us could respond to whatever was posted by Ed.
Doesn't one live and learn? Having said that, it seems several dozen other ABers were quite happy about where my query was posted, so I am, too.
oh, I've given thousands of best answers, sandyRoe, but I always ask them if I can start from scratch after I've got my gnome, as I don't want to discourage others.
Again I agree with QM. Inadvertently post a Q in the wrong category and someone will jump down your throat saying,"This should have been under such-and such"
Sqad - "getting something for nothing" - so you think so little effort or ability is required to give a crossword answer that BA should not apply in that category?
Or have I completely misunderstood?
I think that you have completely misunderstood. Sqad's point, as I perceive it, is that in crosswords there is no such thing as a best answer, merely a correct or incorrect one.