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Am I Right To Be Offended?

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abbeylee90 | 19:23 Mon 02nd Dec 2024 | Family & Relationships
37 Answers

My friend who's hen party I went to a few weeks ago. They told me it was an enclosed wedding but she invited other friends obviously one was maid of honour and invited the other one who came to hen night a few others I know from where I use to work unless her husband invited them but I feel quite hurt that I wasn't invited or even tp the party.



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You can be offended as you want to be. It's your mood after all, no one else's.

Tough week so far, hoping for the clouds to part soon.

Or you can shrug your shoulders and get on with your life - once you've sorted it out.

Is this the one who doesn't bother with you, the one who vomited on a pub carpet, the one who tried to scam a man into paying for your taxi, or a different one?

No you can be hurt or upset, not offended.

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No none of them a different. I just wouldn't know what I would do or say.

Why not convert to being an introvert then you will have no social drama worries

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It was really depressing having no social life.

How often do you normally see her? Many people are on a budget for a wedding and have to pay per head. There is no reason why she should invite you if you're not that close. 

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We try and meet up occasionally.

//They told me it was an enclosed wedding //

It was- numbers were limited; it was by invitation only. Some made the cut, some didn't. That's the real world. You can be disappointed but only a very spoilt person who thinks the world revolves around them but feel really offended. You have a tendency to let things fester for a year or more- don't allow yourself to fall into this trap here, because you'll be the one fretting over it instead of looking forwards and making the best of life.

^ who thinks the world revolves around them WOULD feel really offended

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I'm just hurt that all I was invited to hen but the venue.

I enjoy it/theres an odd sort of peacefulness having no social life lol

I wasn't asked to be a bridesmaid at my cousins wedding. That in itself didn't bother me but on the wedding day in the toilets she said 'I hope you don't mind that I didnt ask you to be bridesmaid- its just I know you are not feninine'. Lol I didnt know what to make if it, Ive been called not feminine by a few people so it must be true. 

I think in your case Id back away from her for a bit and make some new friends. Give it some time she won't even matter to you

No, Abbey, I don't think you're right to be offended. A little bit hurt maybe, but no more than that.

PS You seem to enjoy trying to make things more dramatic - last week you were 'really worried ' that you'd upset a friend, over a very minor incident. 

In short, no.

You  were invited to the Hen-do, so she obviously thought enough of you to do that.

Don't assume that she was being deliberately hurtful; wish her well, and move on.

Their wdding, their choice of guests.

Move on.....please don't make it crisis, nothing will come of except your own anguish.

Unles this is another wind up.

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No I understand that just I've know her for 10 years and her wedding was a long way. I guess if I ever get married I shouldn't invite her to mine.

Are you sure you're 32? Because you are currently acting like a toddler!! Because she didn't invite you to her wedding you won't invite her to your make believe wedding!

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Talking of the friend who doesn't bother with me I went out with my friend I know through her other night and she said she quiet on her aswell.

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