I happen to know that a man at work has a big birthday this year. Its a very big birthday and its remarkable that he does the job he does at this grand age.
He is extremely private, especially about his age and nobody knows this but me. I only know because I once had to use his date of birth for something. The date stayed in my memory because its similar to a family member's brithday.
So the question is ... for the sake of privacy do we pass over the date and make no mention of it or is it OK to send a card round and get every to sign it? Knowing him as I do, i wouldn't throw a party or buy an elaborate gift, just a card giving his colleagues the opportunity to congratulate him.
Why don't you have a quiet word with him and ask him? Tell him how you come to know about his birthday and think your colleagues might like to sign a card for him because he's well liked but you don't want to intrude on his privacy. If he doesn't want a fuss you can always give him a card just from you. I don't like a fuss being made about birthdays etc but I would like a...
Why don't you have a quiet word with him and ask him? Tell him how you come to know about his birthday and think your colleagues might like to sign a card for him because he's well liked but you don't want to intrude on his privacy. If he doesn't want a fuss you can always give him a card just from you.
I don't like a fuss being made about birthdays etc but I would like a card in those circumstances.
I'm not sure what the best thing to do is.
Could you ask him privately and quietly if he'd like his colleagues to have the opportunity to congratulate him on this momentous birthday?
Good idea about asking him. Its obvious once someone says! I know him well enough and for long enough to do that and can have a quiet word sometime between now and the birthday.