Ed I will abide by your decision but can you please explain what the difference is with me posting pictures of me and other users having their pictures as avatars?
Thank you
Exactly Tilly.
LIK its fine I haven't taken any offence I am really just trying to find out what the difference is - why did Ed comment on my thread but doesn't feel the need to comment when Minty posts about her avatar?
remember the Ed doesn't see every post on the site, Islay. She may be entirely unaware that minty has confessed to being the dazzling creature in her avatar. But you started a whole thread on the subject, which naturally attracted more attention. Perhaps someone who was worried about it (for your own security, not to spite you) reported it, or perhaps she just stumbled across it while doing the rounds..
I suspect its because avatars are quite small pics and if you try to make them bigger to do something nasty to them, its nigh on impossible...they just go to a pixelated blur, whereas a larger picture is more easily downloaded and manipulated. I remember the incident Jno spoke of, it was really nasty.....