Tinypic is a bit of a pain in the the posterior. You have to muck about with the Captcha thingy and it can be slow to load. (Some people have reported being unable to see Tinypic images because they can't get them to load at all).
Upl.co is far better
You can upload any type of file to it. If it's an image you'll quickly see a thumbnail of what you've uploaded, together with an assortment of links. However the easiest thing to do at that stage is to click on the thumbnail (which makes the picture bigger) and then to click again on that larger picture. You'll then have a picture filling the screen. Copy and paste the URL of that page here. For example, it's just taken me 40 seconds, from start to finish, to upload this image and produce the link:
(The 'direct link' offered at the thumbnail stage is actually the same, so you could use that if you prefer).
You can also upload pdf files to that site, using the 'direct link' again.
An alternative for pdf files (which is the one I normally use when uploading crosswords for fellow ABers to have a bash at) is MyFile: