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User Name Change

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Bazile | 13:03 Thu 06th Jun 2019 | Editor's Blog
37 Answers
Back in the reign of the previous ED ( or it may be the one before that ) we were asked if we wanted a change of user name , to submit our choice

Only a handful of people had their request granted , as i recall , for some reason

I for one ( and i suspect a lot of others ) still would like to have the opportunity
In my case to have my name associated to my avatar

ED - any possibility of looking into this , please ?


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I reckon quite a few would like to change Bazile.
Perhaps the Ed should consider putting your request to the vote?
I would like to change mine to THE STIRRER
I would like to drop the numbers in my used name.

It seemed an okay idea a the time but it is a constant reminder of the year of my birth, and the fact that I am getting old.
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Why , aog ?
It wouldn't affect the working of the site , or affect any one else , or the experience of using the site
If people's avatars were to change it might make some of the exchanges on here even more interesting!!
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AG - it's not avatars ( you can change that if you wish ) - it's the username that you cant change
Do you not think there would be a lot of work for the elves if too man asked for a change?
I know Bazile.What I meant was if users changed both we wouldn't know who they were before?
...too many...
Yes and all moderators could have double lines under thier users name so we can tell them apart from the rest of us,this way we could argue and debate with impunity with no fear of repercussions-:)
We should be given each others names, ag. Then we could guess who's who.
jordy, how would that help?
LOL Spicerack.
Bazile - you can be Picard, but I'm not giving up Tuvok!!!!
Where does tuvok come from, out of interest? (Obviously you don't need to answer) x
Star Trek Voyager
PS for Trekkies, a new series is coming called Picard
Star Trek
I think we have lost our lithium crystals captain Kirk

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