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naomi24 | 08:21 Fri 23rd Sep 2022 | Editor's Blog
259 Answers
Has admin considered advertising and letting the world know we’re here?


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Quite a lot of Ads appeared on FaceBook
Having had 3 well-intentioned posts deleted in the last few days I would say fiddling around wont help the patient is in extremis
Bobbi...I have a query for you, or anyone else with an opinion.
How is avoidance possible or practicle on the sort of open to everyone/everyday conversational topics such as "what's for dinner", "do you remember", "did you watch", etc? Shouldn't it be possible for everyone to take part, as long as all involved are civil. If not, it can reduce general participation even more. Just a thought.
Maybe this is the wrong place for this question, I don't know.
My answer is as above, just don’t engage with the person( s ) you’ve got a problem with, don’t go on their posts , give them a wide berth, this will then stop anyone else joining in , it’s that simple as far as I can see ?
Excellent posts by LIK/Rationalists/ others.....BUT it has all been said before over the years but in a less eloquant manner.

Nothing new in their posts, nothing done in the past and I agree with Khandro, we are seeing the dying efforts of a patient that has been neglected.

One problem seems to be that the longest threads are the most popular and most contententious and the participants are never brought to heal.

AB needs all they can get at this moment in time, troublemakers and pacifists.
I don't avoid anybodies posts except the ones that are posted to cause trouble. It's the innuendos that get me. And they have been flung around on this thread too which is so inapropriate. And Bobbi I am not talking about you.
I thought this was how to attract new members to
AB. They are not going to be aware of mods. and multiple user names to begin with.Surely it will be the contents of the posts that will either attract or deter them from joining.
Bobbi, Not because I like Pasta or because we get on well I will say this. I totally agree with her. We should comment on any post we like as long as we are polite. What you suggest will not encourage new users in any way and just causes more problems.
This type of thread with so many replies of a negative nature is a bad advertisement to any would-be new members.
Lottie I really doubt any new users will see whether I don’t follow a person(s) or take part in their threads because it won’t be ‘advertised’
@LL & Pasta
When my granddaughter died last week the Spare Ed put her own post up telling certain posters to give me a wide berth , that’s not a lot to ask , is it?
Anyway, that’s it, I’ve nothing more to add
As I was that poster I would like to ask what I said or did wrong because as it stands people may be thinking that I was nasty but I was nothing but supportive.
Sorry I wasn’t going to comment but I am not having insinuations made
Bobbi@17:30...I never saw that post, and would think it unnecessary. I did see that everyone who posted to you was kind and sincere in what they said.
When I made my query above, I only directed it to you Bobbi as you had described what you thought a person's approach should be. Others may think differently.
If a thread is lively and interesting than we should all feel free to take part...and leave individual likes and dislikes at the door.
Not adding more to this post that isn't relevant.
@pasta, I come on here to get away from what’s going on at home, for a short while I’m me not ‘Mam’ not wife, I’m me
I really do not feel like answering anymore questions , I’m not in a good place right now
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