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Secret Moderators

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ABSpareEditor | 15:23 Mon 26th Sep 2022 | Editor's Blog
467 Answers
I would like to acknowledge that there are some accounts that have been created by our moderators, to help them control the community, without breaking their normal identity.

Having multiple AnswerBank accounts is against site rules. However, these accounts have been approved by the Editors.

These moderators will be added to this thread, and you should give them as much respect as you would give to an Editor.

If you are a moderator, and would like to have one of these accounts, please send us an email.


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Zacsmaster - It looks like I started all of this last night. In the past I removed posts and had to watch as a row breaks out about who was responsible and why. I can now use my usual name to remove the posts and explain why in my secretmod name. I will also be able to warn posters to kerb their tempers and it might result in less suspensions happening.
16:23 Mon 26th Sep 2022
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"But what if they are right?"

No ifs and buts, Khandro. Their word is final.
so.... Naomi reads the Law section.
when did I post a video and a comment from 60 years ago ( otherwise known as precedent, yeah?)

My earliest is probably Eldon ( LC 1800-1827)
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It has always been the case that the Editors and Moderators are more stern in certain categories, such as Law, and Body & Soul.

16 years you've been on The AnswerBank, Naomi24, you should know this.
SPARE ED, the point I am making is it is unlikely that a poster querying a deleted post will accept the first response justifying that deletion and will follow it up with other queries about the deletion.

If there are deletions from several folk within the same thread, it is likely there will be multiple posts devoted soley to explaining/questioning those deletions or asking why similar posts (in their opinions anyway) haven't been deleted.

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Thecorbyloon, having 'secret moderators' does not change the Site Rules. This still applies: "Any posts asking or discussing why a post or thread was removed or closed, or why a member was banned or suspended, will be removed."

Of course, this rule can't apply to a 'secret moderator', because the reason they exist is to be able to justify actions.
This thread beats the daylights out of many others.

Keep it running, think of the advertising revenue!!!
That's not stern, SpareEd. It's downright rude. It's tantamount to saying if you can't offer expertise don't bother to contribute because your opinions are neither wanted nor welcome. I can't help thinking this site has a death wish.
I was interrupted when writing my last post but seen you have indicated a single explanation is to be accepted.

Given that fact, will the Rules be amended to reflect this new process?

What if the responsible Mod does not have another name and no justification is provided?
A 300+ thread that has changed nothing but irked what appears to be the faithful, not to mention senior Mods.

Way to go! Lol.
ABSpareEditor //"But what if they are right?"

No ifs and buts, Khandro. Their word is final.//

Could this attitude I wonder, have any bearing on the loss of subscribers?
This thread beats the daylights out of many others.
No I disagree
you know the inquest on that poor girl Mandy
reading this thread makes me want to self-harm....

As for Law, look and you will find that Barmaid rarely posts ( and I can see why, Frankie Howerd titter and 'look') and when she does it is authoritative
oh and NJ -dont forget him

If it were a reference to sixty y ago then it would be Denning MR - probably the greatest common law judge of the 1900s, but hell you dont come onto AB to learn something like that !
That's not stern, SpareEd. It's downright rude.
I am shocked and amazed by a respected Aber saying such a thing
it must be one of her jokes
Like mine everyone takes them seriously
AB spare Ed. I am not being rude, but I feel very much as if we are being treated by you like naughty schoolchildren, with your replies and comments. Hardly going to improve the headcount.
The really naughty children on this sitep to be allowed to carry on totally disregarding Site Rules. You have had a lot of really good and helpfulanswers on here. No words of thanks!
For information, another name has been added to the list of known Mods and she is, MODBOD.
MissT @10:08...we seem to be forever going around in circles with this thread and always end up with the them and us attitude. They know best and we damn well better behave. (Most do, if only because we are sensible adults but no notice is taken of that. And the numbers of sensible ABers is shrinking)
It will continue in this manner forever more.
oh dear Corby
have you felt the lash of MODBOD's whip
as she er "teaches you"
( some people have to pay etc....)
// It's tantamount to saying if you can't offer expertise don't bother to contribute because your opinions are neither wanted nor welcome... //

It's not that at all. One easy solution, for example, is to simply be honest about your own level of experience within a given field -- if, for example, you say "I'm not a lawyer/doctor/scientist, but my understanding is that...", or words to that effect, then voila, problem solved, and anyone can read your post with a clear disclaimer that gives anyone the opportunity to decide how much weight they then give to what follows.

Good stuff.. probs not before time.. most sites I visit (that have mods) usually have a moderator sign on their avatar area so folk know, which would be my preference, but secret mods are cool enough….. braw
I can understand the thinking behind affording mods a method by which to explain their actions - their failure to do that is one of the main bugbears for some people - and I think that is what this is intended to address. However, what I can't understand is admin's support of their continued - and to my mind, cowardly - anonymity. That, I feel, is a slight on the intelligence of the membership as a whole. If mods are confident that their actions are justified, they have no reason to fear exposure.

More troublesome for me though is admin's support of blatant disdain for the membership as a whole - as demonstrated by 'Secret Mod' earlier in the thread. That is quite beyond my comprehension. To be perfectly honest the question I'm now asking myself is if I object to being insulted why have I set up a regular monthly donation to allow anyone to continue to do that?

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