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Ed Can We Please

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lankeela | 16:13 Fri 31st Mar 2023 | Editor's Blog
48 Answers
have the ability to block certain ABers? Easy to say ignor them or scroll past but you have to read the post to know whether it is genuine or not, so I would prefer not to see any posts from certain people because they are almost certainly trolling imho.


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Well said, Ed.
By the way, when are we getting emojis?
The blocked list on my Twitter account is quite extensive.
I talk to everyone - whether they want me to or not.

But they don't have to listen, Naomi:-))
Precisely, ken. ;o)
We're hoping for sometime this month, Zacs-Master. We're not making any promises though.
Cheers, Ed.
If a poster is someone you would block if you could, why read their posts at all?

to see.... if they are still as awful as they were last time. Because you are Roman Catholic and you must poonie yourself like Christ on Calvary in Holy Week.
Because it is like slowing down on a motorway at an accident. Because it is one more excuse to put hand over mouth and say fortissimo, GAWD!!

Have to agree with you there, Peter.
I don't have a problem with this . I like all Abers and read every post. They are all very nice people.And I think of them all as my friends.
//The site would collapse if everyone could simply block a poster of their choosing.//

No it wouldn't - lots of forums have that facility
trolling: I regard it as innocently asking a question - cd Trump possibly be guilty - knowing the answer anyway ( here - it is yes) in the hope of causing chaos.

I agree for others it is sending post cards to Princess Diana calling her a who--er. Yeah yeah I know she is dead. This is just a fr'instance.
Twitter and Facebook are very different to AB.
They have personalised feeds anyway that you can alter by muting and blocking people. This is primarily a forum for asking questions and I can't see how, even in the "chatty, debatey" bits of it that ostracising certain people would be at all advisable.
Just ignore.
I can't understand why Lankeela would want to block another Abers post. How rude
I have, I agree, but sometimes it's impossible to just ignore if a personal attack crops up in a thread that we are enjoying. We should be allowed to respond, not just ignore or leave the thread. It's not natural to ignore.
08.54 Then you would become a mod again .
That would be fun.
Ab Troll = Aber, even after large amounts of abuse directed at them, refuses to stop posting… braw
on twitter people are not anonomous and on twitter there are public figures how you compare answerbank to twitter well you just cant asking if you can block someone is admitting you have no self control its very much a hold me back because i cant hold my self back mentality
peter that is not trolling that is petty banter

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