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Tls 1537

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FleshpotsOfDevon | 14:43 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
15 Answers

Shaven-headed wizard with no time for Merlin? (5) A???T - ADEPT? 

Apparent view of Piers Anthony's one I will put to the House (4) ?S?? 

Thank you. 



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Agent - '(m)age n(o) t(ime)' (not sure of a ref)
Isle - "I'll" ("I will" put to the house; spoken)

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Big thanks as always! 

You're welcome 😊

There's an agent named Merlin in "Kingsman", but I'm not really convinced, as it's a film reference.  I can't be doing with faffing about, someone else has probably got a better one.

Merlin is a cross-platform post-exploitation HTTP/2 Command & Control server and agent written in golang.

definition found online

Ta quinol, but I really doubt that's what the setter had in mind!

Could it be Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy? Merlin, code name of an agent.

But while I'm here, as ever I've had just one left unsolved since yesterday and still getting nowhere. 13a. Folios penned by Barnum? What a load of tosh! (4). Unless I'm mistaken ?F?T.

Question Author

PFFT! ;) 

Of course. Thanks. 😃

Nice one, Bill, you wizard, I should've remembered that 😊

You taught me everything I know.

Help please. 11a.  Ragtime composer in fix over bit of womanising.  (8)  ?o?t?r?w

(E.L.) Doctorow - 'doctor (fix) o(ver) w(omanising; bit of)'

Thank you Lie-in King.


You're welcome, teacher 🙂

Sorry for the lack of a reference, I was on my phone, so just in case -


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