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Tls Crossword

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teacher1 | 10:25 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

I have just recieved this e-mail ..... is this the normal way to recieve the prize.  Are these details normally requested?


Congratulations on winning the TLS crossword competition # 1537. 


Your prize will be issued by BACS. Please reply to this email with:

your bank branch name 

full name 

bank account number 

sort code


Thank you.



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Is it from Robert Potts?

If yes, then it's genuine.....I won a couple of weeks before you and it has taken until now to get the £40 in my account

This was my email from Mr Potts:

Dear Roslyn


Congratulations on winning the TLS crossword competition #1531. 


Your prize will be issued by BACS. Please reply to this email with:

your bank branch name 

full name 

bank account number 

sort code


Best wishes






Robert Potts
Deputy Editor

Times Literary Supplement

Question Author

.... same e-mail.   Thank you roslyn251254.


I had that email a few weeks ago when I won it and the money came through fine. Not quickly mind, but eventually. I'd have preferred a cheque, though. I suspect they use this method if your email entry wins because they'll have your email address. 

it does have the whiff of a SCAM, but as it's asking for no more info than can be gleaned from a cheque anyway, it's probably genuine - examine sender's raw e-mail address to be sure, just in case.

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