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Recent Attacks On Labour

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Hymie | 23:44 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
39 Answers

There have been many threads on AB critical of Labour, echoing and amplifying the right-wing press’s nonsense attacks (which will no doubt continue).


If you want to know how things really are – take a listen to supertanskiii.


I appreciate many of you won’t bother, having been brainwashed by the right-ring press into believing only the corrupt/incompetent Tories should be trusted with running the country – but at least you would be more informed.




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Which of the attacks have been nonsense?

Wake up Hymie. Looking around the MSM tonight, I find a surprising amount of the normally 'left' commentators are becoming increasingly critical and unsupportive of this government.

Why do you say 'brainwashed' because people don't agree with you?

What would make a change Hymie is if you yourself put your own opinions and thoughts on here so people could see how you think and not as you keep doing and putting the thoughts of other people on and you just telling everyone to watch them.  Much of which is as the Donald would say is Fake News.  Let everyone see your thinking behind all these posts you put on.

That's the daftest video I've seen for a while. Point after point was flawed or pointless. Starting with claiming impartiality no tribal party loyalty although she'd always voted labour. Then making out labour's freebies were okay as all she missed the point . Then blaming all on the media and 14 years of tories.

Sorry, I gave up then. 

Judging by your whining Hymie, I assume you are happy with Starmer accepting all these freebies from a crony, and cannot (or more likely will not) see his rank hypocrisy despite his years of calling-out Tory cronyism?


As I said on a different thread, I don't really care about the freebies he's willingly accepting, but I do care that he's a hypocrite.

What does Phil say?

How do these "recent attacks on Labour" compare to the torrent of vile attacks on the last Government and in particular Boris Johnson? 

Is this a typical case of I can give it but I can't take it ??

-- answer removed --

Surely most everyone believes that corrupt/incompetent politicians of any persuasion should not be trusted with running the country. Unfortunately that's the norm it seems; although certain PMs and their Chancellors are noticeably worse than others.

Sadly OG is right, the current Government is on the way to becoming as bad as the last.

Unfortunately this will open the door for Farage's fascists, just as happened in Germany in the 30s.

I weep for my beloved country.


You took the very words out of my mouth !!



Two timing Phil agian hymie? Where do you dig up these wallies. Talk about selective reporting! PMSL!

theshedman: "What would make a change Hymie is if you yourself put your own opinions and thoughts on here so people could see how you think " - be careful what you wish for, it's taken 3 days and about 20 answers from several of us to convice hymie that the amount of pounds taken in tax is much more important than the percentage taken off individuals.

09:20 canary: "I weep for my beloved country." - what crocodile tears? You are one of the most anti British on here.

"You can give it but can't take it" is valid for some folk from both sides on here.

It's a silly comment anyway, reminiscent of kids in the school playground Naah Naah Nah Naaaaaaah Nah: I would expect (and usually get) more maturiy in Answerbank regulars.

Getting a bit desperate aren't we, digging up dear old AOG's anti-British gibe again - sticks and stones may break my bones but hard words never hurt me.

I make no apology for repeating a double definition I posted some years ago (From Tory Dictionary) :-

Right Winger criticising the Government - a patriot trying to improve the country.

Left Winger criticising the Government - a traitor trying to undermine the country.

"It's a silly comment anyway, reminiscent of kids in the school playground Naah Naah Nah Naaaaaaah Nah: I would expect (and usually get) more maturiy in Answerbank regulars."

Practise what you preach, Mr42. 

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We’ll probably never know the full extent of the criminality and corruption committed by the Tories during the last 14 years of Tory rule – but at least supertanskiii mentions a few that were uncovered, in the video.

Is this thread about recent attacks on Labour - as per the heading - or is it more Tory-bashing?  If the latter, since they're no longer in government and, as far as criticism goes, no stone was left unturned when they were, discussing them is a complete waste of time and effort. 

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