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I am just testing

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LoftyLottie | 13:11 Thu 03rd Sep 2009 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
testing, testing, testing


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I must be really slow. It has taken me ages to work out how you post a question. Anyway, have a nice day everybody!!
Hello, Lottie

How do you post a question? I tried to do one about the little jelly baby people on the left and it let me do the title and then submitted it without any space coming up for me to write the question - if that makes sense.
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Hi, ying yang. Well I can't do it again now!! I clicked on 'Ask a Question' and I think I put a question title in and it opened up a box. I went back to make sure how I did it and it's not working again!!! x
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I tried again, but no luck. Think I'll give up for the day.
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I give up!!!!
Not just me then!

Although, it could be a new AB 'sport' - post a really obscure question title and people have to work out what you were trying to ask , then answer it accordingly. Might be fun..

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I am just testing

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