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31 Months

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DDIL | 15:26 Thu 17th Oct 2024 | News
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Conservative councillor's wife is jailed for 31 months for inciting racial hatred on Twitter on day of Southport attacks




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Must make the anti British very happy.

Good.  She's an idiot.

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Tora, nothing to do with being Anti British.

It was pure trouble making 

So this is why Labour let out sex offenders etc to make room for people who dare to be concerned about the hostile invasion that's going on as we speak. Ok so she let her mouth run off with a bit of hyperbole, big deal, you normally have to do a 1000 burglaries to get 6 months in one of his majesties flowery dells.

The words she published for all to see are awful, and she was bloody stupid to do so, but were the words from a nobody really likely to "incite" others to carry out her words?


31 months seems a hell of a punishment, particularly (and I know people will say it's a false equivalency) when people like Huw Edwards don't receive a custodial.

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She made an accussation about the person who carried out those stabbings, she was wrong she then carried on with

"Mass deportation now, set fire to all the *** hotels full of the *** for all I care...'"

Based this tweet on lies and misinformation, her tweets were responsible for a lot of suffering.

15:42 yep it's far worse to be concerned about the invasion and islamification of our country than to keep a load of Kiddie porn.

TTT, I'm concerned but that's not concern - that's incendiary - literally.  Idiots really were setting fire to hotels - and that goes way beyond peaceful protest.  Nothing justifies it - and people like her should be ashamed for encouraging it.

Wow!! There's some people on here who better rein it in then in case they're identified.

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31 Months

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