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searching for files

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tearinghair | 19:49 Tue 29th Dec 2009 | Computers
2 Answers
When I was freeing up some space on C drive I deleted (or thought I had deleted) some photos from my camera softwareand transferred them on to F (and also made a backup CD). While I was searching for something else I saw what appeared to be those same photos still listed on C;but when I try to search for them so that I can delete them again, all I get is 'the search found nothing matching your criteria). What do I need to tick in the search box in order to identify them and delete them, please? I'm sure I have typed in their correct name.


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I could be wrong but it may be they are not there for access, just still occupying the space until overwritten.

I once did search all my pictures, and many that I knew I'd deleted still showed .
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Thanks Postdog. I've been playing around with the Search button; some of the 'deleted' photos are on the C drive, and some are not. I know I transferred them on two separate occasions, and I think i may have backed them up onto the C drive by mistake once, when I was intending to put them on to a CD; that might explain why only some are there. But anyway, I've managed to free up a bit more space. Thanks for your help.

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searching for files

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