Welcome to the Editor's blog. Here is the place to ask questions about The AnswerBank. You can also use this category to communicate with our moderators if you need support, advice or to draw their attention to spam.
If you need to get in touch with the Editor privately, please email:
theeditor AT theanswerbank DOT co DOT uk
If you find something you don't like on The AnswerBank, or something that breaks the rules, please use the report button.
The AnswerBank has a few moderators. Some are known publicly and others aren't. We have created a list of publicly known moderators to help establish them in case anyone needs support or help. If you...
Dear Ed, Would you like to give us Abers the right to vote on Making those anonymous Mods come clean and use their official user names instead of hiding behind their made up Mod names. We are... ...
"The people want Tora" "I think you'd be an excellent choice toratoratora" "I would, despite disagreeing with you on about 95% of everything." "I shall be your most loyal and fervent supporter, my... ...