Yes - twice before Mrsspag.
The first was a few years ago when my wife was the subject of a three month hate campaign just after we got married. It turned out that a former mutual friend was jealous that we had got married! I spent three months pleading with this woman to leave my wife alone and in the end, after several warnings, I went to go to the police with all the texts. Much to our amazement they knew exactly who it was as this person had done it all before and she had a criminal record for other offences of violence and damage! They knew her and just said leave it with them (they didn't even need to ask her address!). What was more astonishing was that this former friend was a nurse at our local hospital and I could prove she had been using the hospital phones while at work! When her bosses found out they just whitewashed it - last we knew she was still there!
The second time was in 2009 when my errant step-daughter did much the same with texts to my wife. She's also well-known to the police and they took it upon themselves to arrest her and make an order protecting us. However, my step-daughter just ignored it and continued abusing her mother and contacting me (she and I get on well).
I would suggest MrsS that if your daughter continues to receive unpleasant messages you save several of them on the phone then take them to the police. It's not uncommon and they know how to handle idiots like that. Good luck.