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Have come to a shuddering halt with one to get.  Driving me mad as I'm sure I'll kick myself when I see the answer.  Only thought is sacrum but probably way off. Any help appreciated. 2. ... ...
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The vicar was preaching to his congregation… "I've got sad news, he said.  The treasurer, Mr. Greenhill. has absconded with the church funds,so the church is now bankrupt.… before I make an appeal... ...
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Can anyone help with my last three clues. Thanks in advance.      25. Carrier tubes in Edinburgh (8) 35. Ford has animals following (5)         kazoo??? 42. Cross loopy hen for percussion... ...
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Have received a couple of e-mails (allegedly) from DVLA informing me that they don't seem to have all my details so my road tax may be invalid. Must think I came up the Tay in a spam can but it... ...
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Field day for you today TTT. Never heard so many stupid answers. Wish the contestants would just take a moment to really read the question.
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Well, Election over, Wimbledon over, Euros over - is it time for a little peace?  Oh no, the Olympics loom
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Today is Saint Swithun's Day (old spelling)  Rhyme goes: St Swithun's Day if thou dost rain For 40 days it will remain St Swithun's Day if thou be fair For 40 days 'twill rain nae mare   Apparently it... ...
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If you know you know. Aye right   Aye Cheers   Aye, so he will   Aye, aye OK   Go on, take a guess at what they mean.
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Decided to watch a bit of this to see what I had been missing all these years.  Children must have been bored out of their skulls but suppose they'll have to get used to it as the rest of their... ...
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Dear Employees: It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals have been using foul language during the course of normal conversation with their colleagues. Due to complaints... ...
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Help needed with my final two.  Picture Quiz; songs from the 70s and 80s. 7.  Picture of an arrow going towards what I think might be a        Queen?  Thought maybe Killer Queen? 13.  Picture of a... ...
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Not that the English, Welsh or N. Ireland members of AB will be really interested but I'm absolutely delighted by today's news. Douglas Ross (dross) has announced he will resign as leader of the... ...
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After an absence of a couple of years, the starlings are back in force.  Cut my lawn last night and now have 27 of them pecking around. Obviously nesting quite nearby as many still have their... ...
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Totally stumped with No. 10.  Any help appreciated. 10. 16151316599  
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Just had an e-mail to let me know I've won the Honiton Library Food for Thought quiz.  My luck must be changing.  Will have fun spending my gift card. Thanks to all who helped me when I was... ...
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I am not for nuclear weapons or power stations , but the country to the south of mine likes them but not on their soil so I have to have them. I want to be part of Europe but the country to the... ...
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A new supermarket opened near my house. It has an automatic water mister to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on, you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of fresh rain. When... ...
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I've won: A pair of luxury pillows courtesy of Premier Inns A toolbox courtesy of Screwfix A meal for two at City Inns Bit of a mystery as I've never used any of these firms. Where do they get your... ...
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So sick of ads popping up on my FB pages.  Is there a reliable ad blocker I could use?  Advice welcome thank you.
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Stuck on two and I'd really like to get this posted. All answers are food/drink but no letter count. Can anyone help with:   6.  Thin pieces of wood 9.  Urge on Thanks folks  

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