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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
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What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
Lol..haha .
I hope you did manage to get something to eat Jno!

Happy Valley was brilliant . I was on the edge of my seat .
Goodnight all.
pah, managed to spill two more pans of water on the floor, that's three moppings-up for one meal. I've had enough of this. Can I move into my care home now, please?
hahaha...a fusilli fiasco. I hope you managed to eat jno.

Morning all...nothing good about it, it's piddling down and it looks like it's set in for the day....grrrr. I even woke up in a bad mood have been warned.

Happy Valley was brilliant, amazing cast and not a bad minute in it. I almost burst into tears when it ended with the emotion of it all.
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Good morning.
Jno whatever is wrong with you? I guess we all have off days.
One of my kitchen cabinet doors is hanging on one hinge, Mr N will have to deal with it
I was nervous in Happy Valley when the boy was on the barge and with that programme anything could have happened. I was white expecting a nasty ending. Relief. Great programme.
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Lovely day am sitting at Cosmi my pavement cafe, getting a bit warm now.
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Just had to pay nearly 30€ for my meds. Should have got them in UK where they are free.
Hairdressers tomorrow and having eyelashes dyed.
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Yay am waving like mad. As Tito the owner says this us my home. He is gorgeous, a bit like clooney but nicer and only 50!
Morning all
It's piddling with rain .I'm off to the mexico shortly .Pip pip for now .

Tell Tito to put up a webcam so we can keep an eye on you neti.

Good luck down mexico way shaney.
Ah well that wasn't too successful .I've decided not to take the medication they recommended at the pain clinic after he explained some of the awful side effects it could have .I had a choice of amyltriptine ,gabopentin or another one pregalbin (sp's).So will have to grin and bear it as I don't want to function in zombie mode .
On the bright side he's referred me to physio and depending on what they think I may be able to have acupuncture and hydrotherapy.Suits me ,nice warm water to splash about in :)
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Good luck at the mexico shaney.

Have made morrocan cous cous with chicken, apricots nuts, and veg for Mr N and chicken and pork satay with fried noddles for hija and myself. Washed and changed all the throws from the settees and all the scatter cushions, some of which have broken zips so I have to sew them up!!

Getting jolly hot here now!
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Oh sorry you weren't there when I was posting, oh poor thing, what a to do eh?
nice warm water to splash about in while you're stuck full of needles.... sooner you than me though I suspect my time will come. I have just realised I am not going to the south of France on Saturday, it's Friday; so some packing is in order. Plus there's a Simon Thurley lecture to go to tonight. I suppose I had better dedigitate.
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Phew it is officially hot, 32° this afternoon, and a mountain fire in the next village .which we think is now under control. Summer's here.
I've considered amitriptyline shaney, it's only a very mild dose apparently, but I haven't given in yet. I've thought about acupuncture too and when I asked my doc he didn't say anything about it being offered on the NHS but I see it's in the list of services at the hospital.

It's a miz 13C here....tut
shaney, the zombie effects, if you get them at all, do wear off with use, however the pain relief effects remain.
We have been out today, Rab jumped into the car nicely. I have put a lower bed in instead if the super thick memory foam one. Its still lovely soft memory foam but much thinner. Sis goes home tomorrow.
Well ,he mentioned palpitations and fibrillations , sounds like a song doesn't it Then he went on to mention ,clots ,double vision ,insomnia and confusion and lots of other nasties by which time I'd made my mind up !
He also said I would have to have an ECG and a whole raft of blood tests before he would prescribe them if I wanted them .
At least he was thorough and made me aware .As he said he wouldn't be doing his job properly if he didn't point out the pitfalls .
So what can't be cured must be endured as my old Mum used to say .
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Shaney over here several people swear by Flexi-seq, it's a tube from the chemists in UK but costs about £20, I am under orders to get some for Mr N.
I've seen that on Amazon Neti .I've tried various gels of these sort of things but none of them have any effect for me .I'd need a bucketful of it to rub in all over :) I think it's probably alright for mild arthritic pain but not for full blown degenerative arthritis like I have though .

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