When I had a gearden I compromised... weeding near the house except for pretties and useful 'weeds' so I had coltsfoot and buttercups by the wildlife pond, foxgloves and yarrow in the borders, wild violets in the paving and daisies, clover and the creeping self heal in the lawn At the back of the garden there was nettles, willow herb, sorrel, chick weed, dandelions, groundsel, and loads more as well as bracken, blackthorn and ragged robin... they had to battle with things like golden rod, michaelmas daisies and wild roses as well as the brambles I trained around the fences, I also planted teasels, poppies, and other wildflowers in the borders as well as having loads of 'tree ivy' with its late flowers and berries. I liked the idea of working with nature while keeping some control over the areas near the house. we had loads of birds, butterflies, bees, and amphibians dragon flies and damsel flies in the wildlife pond and lots of frogs in the main fish pond I miss it.