This morning a large flock of birds descended on our front lawn. I would like to be able to identify them as I have never seen such a large flock of the same species in our gardens before.
I tended to think that they were female juvenile blackbirds but not sure . They are brown all over and resemble thrushes except that they seem to have grey/white streaked tipped wings and rears. They seemed to be quite aggressive to each other over food and behaved like scavengers , keeping within the flock. A bit like starlings I guess. I live in small block of flats in a fairly built up area, so they are not afraid of urban life.
Can anybody satisfy my curiosity? Thanks in advance if you can. I'd appreciate it
They sound very much like fieldfare's to me although it would seem very early for them to be seen in the UK.
They normally visit the UK in October, visiting from Scandinavia.
perhaps its something to do with stormy weather ?