I will simply say that I am really quite cynical about online services of the type you describe and "lifestyle" advice in general - although nothing you describe suggests there is anything but good intent behind the advice.
Clearly you need to avoid using chemicals of any kind (standard medication excepted) and I admire your determination to give them up. Your description of your state of mind shows that you are troubled and a solution needs to be found for that. Not being trained in understanding these things I cannot say whether the root of your problems is insecurity of some kind or something entirely different, perhaps a result of your previous drinking. Your intent regarding Kratom and alcohol before that shows a good reservoir of strength. It may well be that relaxation and meditation would help (as the lady in effect suggested) - I would suggest avoiding being exploited by "false healers" in that category, learn the techniques from those who are accredited or even by yourself from reading, etc.
Good luck