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Azed 2739

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Griceratnumber9 | 12:36 Wed 18th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

Need confirmation of two :

Advertisement boosted big mouthful  is it Gulp? Also alternate bits of sphere in heraldic fur. Is it peen? Can't find references in Chambers.



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Yes - Gulp is plug reversed

Peen is alternate letters of "sphere in, and pean is heraldic fur. I do not have Chambers so have presumed peen is an alternative spelling of pean

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Thanks as I suspected 

In Chambers, 'peen' is an alt spelling of 'pean (3)' - part of a hammer // to work with a hammer - but not of 'pean (2)', the heraldic fur.

To further complicate matters 'peen' is also an alt sp. of 'pane' and 'pane (2)' is given as an alt sp. of the fur, 'pean (2'). However, the single entry for 'peen' (which includes all of the alt spellings ''...pean, pein, pene or pane'' doesn't refer to the fur at all, so the cross-reference from 'pane (2)' just takes us back to the hammer.

So, it looks like it could be a mistake on Azed's part (but I wouldn't bet on it}.

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Azed 2739

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