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Gromit | 14:22 Mon 18th Sep 2023 | Home & Garden
16 Answers

Do you know of any products that come in a nice glass bottle, such as the Perrier water bottle. I want to put LED lights in some. Some nice bottles on Amazon and Etsy, but they are pricey.

Can you ABers recommend any products in a good bottle?

Thanks :-)



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Absolute vodka

Some nice wine bottles ?

Freixenet Prosecco bottles are quite nice.

Have a look in the charity shops.

whitley neill gin bottles different colours and pretty

Chianti and Vista Alegre have nice bottles


There's a lot of potential in wine bottles gromit, though sadly you may have to drink the contents!

I like the small dumpy gin bottles I scrounge nice bottles off friends. Vodka or gin ones I mostly use some nice wine bottles too. I use usb lights in them rather than battery. 

Here's my favourite bottle.  Freixenet Prosecco. You can get a 1L size if this isn't big enough.



Google JP Chenet,  Grom.

Wonky wine bottles.  I think they look great, but then, I'm a bit wonky myself  🤣

  Oriel rose wine bottle

Question Author

Thank you everyone 😀

Some good choices there. Might involve drinking 😀

I like the Chenet bottles, but not my favour red. Some good Rose bottles Tora.

Cheers everyone 👍

I do recall that 'ol Grizly Adams log cabin had a stained-glass window oh the door of his log cabin, made entirely of glass bottles. Square bottles would be good for this, Jack Daniel's springs to mind

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