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Do You Think I Would Be Taking The *** In Work?

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abbeylee90 | 19:04 Wed 18th Dec 2024 | Jobs & Education
24 Answers

I've had 3 days off now I'm thinking of booking off 27th-30th December? Do you think that's wrong?



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Abbey, you know you'll do whatever you want anyway, even if we told you it was wrong, a bad idea, whatever. You're v unlikely to get a glowing reference anyway,so what does it matter? PS Did you not get any of any overtime? 10 hours a week can't be ideal, surely? 

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Why wouldn't I get a reference I haven't booked them off yet?  Well no be different if it was a full time position.




Whether it is right or wrong is not the point.  Is your employer able to give you these days should be your concern?  They have a business to run.

How much notice do they say you need to give them?

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St the moment I clean and the only cleaner

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Normally 2 weeks but might be different as I just clean.

Will you be off at Christmas and New Year?

It's the 18th to-day, the 19th to-morrow, if they need a fortnight's notice, why are you thinking about it only the now?

It's short notice and dare I say...pretty inconsiderate. If you're the only cleaner you'll be making more work for others. Think how you would feel if it was the other way around.

Honestly Abby you are lucky to have a job at all.  You should be grateful for that.  

Abbey, I didn't say you 'wouldn't get a reference' - I said it was ' very unlikely that you'd get a glowing one'. You must know yourself that you haven't been the most ideal of employees?

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Hazinly working Christmas eve and new years boxing day and new years day they are closed. At least I'm not on the sick alot like some of them are and yes I am a cleaner but we are all entitled to some time off. I am grateful I got a job just hope for something full time in the new year.

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Don't worry I only just noticed it falls on a weekend mostly anyway.

I'd be surprised if they accepted any late requests for those dates. Lots of people will want the Friday 27th Dec off and I'd expect they have a system where only a limited number are allowed to be off. By all means ask but don't assume they'll say yes.

Abbey, I think it might take a little more than 'hope' for you to get a full-time job! It'd be good if you started 2025 with some goals, some realistic thoughts on your capabilities and so on.

PS Nobody suggested that you weren't entitled to some time off. You yourself obviously wondered if asking for another few days off after just having three days off could be seen as a bit much (or 'taking the...' as you put it.)

So you were thinking off booking days off and it turns out you don't work some of those days anyway. It sounds like something you'd thought about on impulse, maybe just wanting to chat with us, without thinking it through. 

Tbh those are the days I would go in, others may try and pull a sickie and if you are there you may get the hours.

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