Whats anyone's experience with noise reduction headphones. Boyfriend has hinted at me getting some for his birthday but only the in-ear type. Don't have a fortune to spend but would appreciate any suggestions / reviews.
If you google noise reduction headphones, then voila!
In your ear ones seem to be the Sony MDR NC11 which get a pretty good review. Try Amazon.com or browse through the googled sites for reviews. Sorry, but that's about the extent of my knowledge!
My company makes these and they are really good (im not just saying that because I work for the company). Go to www.ixos.co.uk, click on iPod & MP3, then full prouct list and in the drop down box select earphones and the spec is listed there. you should be able to pick up a pair from PC World, HMV or Toys R US and they'll be cheaper then Sony ones.