Incredible I always thought that being a "Fence" was against the law ,Now the theives can go to national companies ,who will buy sacks full of GOLD see recent anverts Any Car,and Mobile phones .
I suppose that one of the best deals is the Gold ,the companies will send you a FREE KIT ,which is an Envelope.I am surprised that there are no adverts for Teeth ,so they could remove any fillings ,or mabye metal plates and screws that are fitted in hospital, there must be monet there ,
Any more ideas
BTW We buy any car /Halifax and Gold 4 You extended advert on More 4 or somewhere ,I Bloody Hate Them.
I think you make a good point in a mo. What is to stop an enterprising youngster thinking they are being helpful selling of the family jewells or the elderlly being exploited. This may not be unlawful but i do think it immoral and wonder if anyone could give an explanation as to how it is permited. First they legalised loan sharks and now its fences what next, on line dope sales?