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Animals & Nature
Welcome To Animals & Nature. If you have a question about the wide world of nature then you are in the right place.Try our Environment section for discussions about this subject or head to Pets if you have a question about animals in the home.
If you are a twitcher then we have a dedicated section for you in Twitching & Birdwatching.
what kind of bee has a black body and an orange bum
is there a god?
What kind of bee is all black except for (for want of a better expression) a plain orange bum.
how do dogs get so mean
hi, i'm looking for advice really, i have a 4 year old girl and we have been wanting to get a puppy for over 6 months, i would adore a chihuahua but some say they are not very good with young...
what is the collective name for a group of backbirds
what does a mink look like?
pictures of minks in northern tenn.
which mammals are exceptions to mammal characteristics?
how is the green hair sloth a mammal exception
Since i have had my male cat he has had a red bottom he is a two year old cat, and has had many proberlms such as some times he gets his pooh stuck and if i give him any thig else to eat apart from...
how long are rottwellers pregnat? from start to birth.
Why do cats prefer fish over meat and dogs prefer meat over fish?
I found this cat, Well more or less she just showed up. So, She's been staying around my house for the past 5-6 days and she won't leave. We feed her and keep her around, We believe she might be...
I have a new kitten and every since we brought it home it choose to use the litter box. Unfortunately I have found that it also has found a place under my cabinets that is really hard to get to to go...
what happens if ticks are not removed completely from a dog or ticks and fleas are undetected?
what happens if ticks are not removed completely from a dog or ticks and fleas are undetected?
My cat is either fat, pregnant or was pregnant. I noticed that she has been spotting (bleeding) from her backend. Do you know what this is caused from? Did she maybe have kittens...
my cat is pregnant and one day i opened the door and she ran outside and now i cant find her and she was due anytime. What should I do? Do you think her and the kittens will come home? please...
my cat is pregnant and then when i opened the door she ran outside and now i cant find her and she was due anytime. What should I do? Will her and the kittens come home. Please help!!!!