Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
As you know maxie was like a frightened pussy going around the house but now I have have given him the will to live like a dog - he is cheeky=- Wont do what I tell him etc - won't come back in the...
We have just re-homed a lovely 6 year old dog who we think is a Border collie/ king Charles cross. She is medium sized and has a black and tan top coat with a grey/white undercoat. She moults a lot,...
Hi All, Hope you are having a good weekend. I wonder if you could help to advise? My Labrador x Harrier Hound has just experienced a bout of Paraphimosis (where the penis will not retract back in...
I have two grey sorta shaggy biggish mats in my dining room/cum kitchen - back is rubber - thank God cos I have washed them every two weeks. I know Mr Maxie is doing sneaky pi$$ on them as when I walk...
Maxie has a little hair growing over his his eyes. I am happy with the way the rest has grown although not thickish on the body/ I am looking for like roundended scissors to gently cut the fringe or...
Hi my Jack Russell furiously scratches her ear but I can't see anything -no broken skin or sores etc. any ideas please
Hi I placed an order for 30 boxes of Felix As Good As It Looks on 1 September 2015, as I have done on numerous occasions. Usually the order is delivered complete within one week although 18 boxes were...
Hi All, Hoping someone may be able to help me. My brother adopted a 5/6 year old Labrador from the Labrador Trust nearly 2 years ago who was rescued from a Puppy Farm. My parents look after her whilst...
To clean a floor or carpet with when a pupppuppy wees on them by acciden..? cannot remember if it is bio washing powder or bleach? Many thanks...
Good evening! Last year we entered a charity dog show and dressed up as a hot dog. The crowd loved it and we bagged second prize. This year, we are again taking on our arch-nemesis (a dog dressed as a...
http:// i941.ph otobuck et.com/ albums/ ad259/j asminsa xon155/ 1192179 3_11918 9963082 0442_14 1696966 9290536 816_o_z psxnwww dyu.jpg ...
My cat has suddenly starting weeing in the house.
He seems well in himself and this is very out of character.
Any ideas?...
About 1730 tonight I had to take Kim, our Dobie *** (Female Dog) to the Vet to be PTS. She was diagnosed with an illness some time ago and went downhill very quickly from Thursday of last week...
Ok. I know that this sounds like a daft question before anyone tells me so. I have just bought a starter aquarium for my nephew and he wants bubbles up the back. The tank came with something but I'm...
http:// metro.c o.uk/20 15/08/2 0/briti sh-stud ent-ado pts-str ay-dog- that-sa ved-her -from-t wo-men- in-cret e-53530 00/?ref =yfp...
When out with my pet Border Collie called Max who is 3 I have a problem with him,if he finds a ball,he'll run off with it and he just won't come back to me even with treats,eventually I will manage to...
Mr maxie has not been eating for two days now-. I put out a nice meal for any dog - dry food, wet food, chicken etc. He has not touched that. So I said to myself since he loves bread - I made him...
My neighbour's female cat is very well mannered and friendly but when it sees our male kitten it gets agitated - nothing unusual in that.However, in those situations it has twice attacked familiar...
How many different types of service dogs are there please?
I;e For the blind.
Thanks in advance...
Well today Maxie will be getting his boosters and microchipped and am looking to of course to insure him. If ever I was to claim for him I would like the insurance company to be based here in Northern...