Quizzes & Puzzles3 mins ago
hi peeps, can anyone tell me why my dog has started to lick the radiators in my house to the point where he burns his tongue he is my 3rd bulldog and I have never had this with my other dogs, could it...
My vet has asked me to reduce the weight of one of my cats. Teddy is a timid soul so getting him to come out is a struggle. He only eats a small breakfast of us Urinary dry food a small sachet of...
Need Maxie to be wormed - usually do at this time of year. what is the best out there. thanks
Does anyone have a wraparound or bolster dog bed which can be successfully dried in a tumble dryer after washing? By wraparound and bolster I mean a bed with raised back and sides. I'm in the market...
Has anyone tried the calming plug ins?
We have adopted a stray cat from the Cat Protection people. He is neutered but we noticed he has a triangle notch in his left ear. We did read somewhere that in America strays are neutered and re...
If you feed peanut butter to your dog, as many people do - check very carefully that it doesn't contain xylitol - this has, apparently been added to certain brands of peanut butter recently. It's...
I have a long haired cat who, by rights, should be bald by now given the amount of hair he sheds! I have found a marvellous way of gathering this up from furniture and carpets by using a window...
A friend from school has had to move and had to rehome her cat. He's with me. I have 6 other cats. So far they have all grumbled at each other and I understand he's stressed and all that. Will it calm...
My girl was spayed on wednesday, I need to go out today to go to work and pop to the shop. Can i leave her in her kennel (5ft covered run and bedroom) with the cone of shame on? Shes not doing so well...
Does anyone know of a way to eradicate the odour?
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/uk -374230 40 But will people listen ? Willy and I meet a lovely girl bulldog called Pauline, once in a while. She is very friendly and we always enjoy our encounters. She cost...
Has anyone come across this before? Our cat seems to have become paranoid about crossing part of our lounge carpet. He will jump up on furniture siddle down the side of it or run really fast to get...
I still have the one problem with him - I find when ever I have company and as much as interract with him when they are there - he will sit on the floor and sit and suck right side of his groin which...
8 a avian dupe. (4) ---L...
I am trying to create daphnia culture, in a transparent plastic jar, according to wiki how.com instructions. it is nearly a week now but no sign of algae or phytoplankton. For light, using 40 watt...
Italy quake: Dog survives nine days in Amatrice rubble
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/wo rld-eur ope-372 65913...
Has anyone let their chinchilla have litters? Apart from obvious how do you know if she is pregnant and when conception occurred?thanks
Ever since the day I got Maxie his paws but particularly the two front are very very "hacked" - they are not sore etc but very razor like while they should be velvet-liked I know this happened in his...
My little spaniel cross was attacked by a small terrier almost 6weeks ago and one of her ears was torn in half. The vet kept her in overnight and stitched the ear up and for a month she had to wear...