Crosswords4 mins ago
our Wisteria is now in the "wrong" place. It was supported by and grew over the garden shed, when that collapsed, we cut the wisteria back and put the greenhouse in the shed's place. Can I train the shoots along the ground, about 6 or so feet; then leave the wisteria to get on with life again? The roots are too big to dig out. Or do I just give up on it dig it out & start over? Thanks
train it along wires about 6" from the ground as a 'stepover' it will be fine
10:12 Wed 30th Nov 2011
Wisterias will travel 40 feet eventually if you train them.
How about putting up a large wigwam for it and grow over that?
I just pruned a really old one for friends .. one of oldest In Northants .. over 200 yrs. Trunk is several feet girth near base. Double ladders .. 6 1/2 hours of precise runing .. job done.
How about putting up a large wigwam for it and grow over that?
I just pruned a really old one for friends .. one of oldest In Northants .. over 200 yrs. Trunk is several feet girth near base. Double ladders .. 6 1/2 hours of precise runing .. job done.