While out yesterday I fell in love with a guinea pig. Just couldn't leave her!!
I have bought an outside hutch,water bottle and food bowl. Some nuggets and hay. Also a second one to be her companion.
Ive looked at some sites and would like a little help from fellow owners please. One site says DONT handle for couple days and not much
Another, handle gently a little each day,and build up
One says nuggets,hay and greens
Another, carrot apple
Can someone give me a bit of advice please, they are very young and small
Not that it will help you much but I've just read a story about the guinea pig Julie Walters had as a child.......................absolutely hilarious.
Congratulations! We had guinea pigs for years. They are very tameable. We just gently handled them from the start in small doses. You might want an indoor hutch for winter, they do feel the cold and are sensitive to being too hot or cold. We fed ours a guinea pig feed (different from rabbit food, as guinea pigs need daily vitamin c). They also liked grass, cabbage, carrot, cucumber, toast, apple, fruit tree logs to wear their teeth down. Avoid raw potato peel and lettuce.