News0 min ago
Is My Dog Pregnant?
12 Answers
My bitch had a season around two months ago and although she always wore pants and my male was kept away during this time there is one time they could have possibly mated just after she came out of season. The last week she has been in her bed constantly and tonight while playing with my male she normally joins in she just sat in her bed crying as if she feels agitated, she's crying a little bit aswell but other than that i can't see any obvious signs that she is pregnant, i'm worried she could go into labour tonight if she is as she is acting very strange.. any advice!!
I would guess she is having a pseudopregna ncy. But of course please get her checked properly at a vets, we cant give you a diagnosis. http:// www. dfordog. co. uk/ article- dog- phantom- pregnancy. html
20:02 Sun 03rd Nov 2013
I would guess she is having a pseudopregnancy. But of course please get her checked properly at a vets, we cant give you a diagnosis.
http:// www.dfo .uk/art icle-do g-phant om-preg nancy.h tml
Woofgang i asked for advice not rudeness, many people have an entire male and female and if you'd like to know the full story before you make judgement i rescued her as a friend was going to give her to the rspca if he couldn't find a home as he was having housing issues, the day after she came to me she came into season so i had no choice but i took all precautions i possibly could at the time i.e taking my male out of the house and having her wear doggy pants. Please don't waste my time with nasty comments like i said i asked for 'advice' not criticism. She will be going to the vets first thing in the morning i just wanted to put my mind at ease for this evening. Thankyou for other comments from people who actually listened to my question
If she's pregnant I'm sure you'd notice a difference in her appearance, eg: nipples would be enlarged if she's due to whelp, and she would surely have gained weight, go see your vet tomorrow, sure she'll be fine, could be a phantom pregnancy as others have suggested..........hope all goes well......