Just wanted to say....I used to have a border collie Jess who spent from September to November under the sofa because of fireworks....bless her! After she passed on we got another dog... Max a Pointer cross and such a difference....he loves fireworks....well love might be a bit strong....but he is not phased....he jumps around the garden trying to 'chase' them! I couldn't be happier....as it broke my heart to see Jess so stressed.
My poor chap has been wanting a pee for about two hours and every time I let him into the garden there's another bang before he can pee and he flies back indoors. I go with him and he still shoots past me back inside. I can't go to bed until he's been!
My lovely Labrador never turned a hair about fireworks, she came to bonfire with us. My Border Collie definitely did not like them and cuddled up against the Labrador for confidence. My Labrador x Spaniel didn't care. current (very mongrel terrier is OK except when bangs go off - when he has given a couple of whimpers. No real prob..
It's horrible if your animals are scared.
Roger, the Staffie takes no notice at all, which is good.
The two Dobies we have lost in the last year, the *** (female dog) used to sit by the patio doors and point out the good ones to us. Eddie the big butch dog would take himself off to the kitchen, shut the door behind him and resurface when it was all over, they're all different.
I was looking after a dog last New Year's Eve. She was petrified by the noise of fireworks, poor thing. I've got her this year again and have bought a pet calming spray. I don't know if it will help.
Cloverjo, a lot of rescues also suggest the wearing of a tight item of clothing like a thundershirt - The one I know have bought lycra tshirts at a couple of quid each and made them fit the dog.
its about the dog feeling safer with the clothing constricted around it.