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leelapops | 16:25 Mon 13th Aug 2007 | Pets
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How is your pup, lab.lover? Did you get into the vet today? What was said?


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Hi Leelapops
Thanks for your concern. I phoned the vets yesterday morning and they said that it could be a reaction from either the microchip or the vaccination as she had that the same day in the neck too. She told me to keep an eye on it over the next few days and if I was worried to go back at the end of the week. I searched the internet Sunday night and came accross a website that said dogs can get a reaction from the vaccination causing lumps in the neck. It should go within a week or 2. Ruby has the vets next tuesday anyway for the next lot of her vaccination.
What would you do?
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Awww I am glad that it's nothing too major. How do you feel about it? IS there any way the vet can postpone her next jabs 'til the lumpy bump has gone?
I would be a little concerned, and if it is the jabs that cause her to react this way, then I wonder if anyone on here, or your vets themselves, will know of an alternative.
If it isn't bugging her too much, then when it's gone down I suppose another set of jabs won't harm her. I just wonder will she respond to her annual boosters in this way too? And will it be a problem when she is older?

Give her a tickle from me :)
I think if there is no change friday in the size of the lump then I will ring the vet again and take her in. Just for peace of mind. I will ask the vet then why some dogs react to it and some don't.
To be honest I didn't even notice the lump my other half did when he was stroking her saturday. If he hadn't pointed it out I still wouldn't know!
She is such a good puppy, everyone that sees her wants to take her home. They can't believe how well behaved she is. This morning she had my sons dummy in her mouth, she looked so funny. She was just sucking the end like a baby!
Her only problem is she keeps eating slugs. Yuk. I have to chase her round the garden to try and get them out of her mouth!
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Oh lab, she sounds adorable! If ever you need a dog sitter, well you know where me and Jack are!

Jack isn't big on eating stuff, but he's a Collie. He still has his moments: chicken bones off the ground :O and he once snaffled half big sausage from the pavement in one go so I couldn't tell him to drop it! You would think he wasn't fed.

My friend has a lab pup, and she is very cheeky: she has been known to swipe people's pizzas from their plate!
Give Ruby a cuddle from me and a big lick from Jack!
Ahhh collies are lovely too. They are very clever. We had a collie cross when I was younger. So energetic as well. We chose a lab this time as they are good family dogs and as we have two young boys we thought it was best. She puts up with a lot from my 2 year old. He keeps running off with her toys so she chases him round the house. So funny to watch.
Bye for now Leelapops and Jack
If Jack wants I'm sure Ruby will share her slugs with him!!!!
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He's only lovely when he wants something!
He's my first dog, and we weren't a doggy family, as my parents weren't in enough, but they love their "grandson" (yes, I know!), and I just adore him. The only downfall of their intelligence and willingness to learn is that you ALWAYS have to be one step ahead, and it's very easy to slip! He runs rings around me :( lol! I adore him, and try to do what's best for him, which I think is the best thing you can do for a dog.

Jack would like a snail, actually-more crunch to them! Ask Ruby does she know if there's any of them in her garden?!

Enjoy the rain :S x
Excuse me butting in but please remember dogs can get lung worm from eating snails and slugs so please deter you lovies from eating them ect. Hope you dont mind me passing this info on.Kind regards
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garner, I had no idea...glad Jack just looks at them funny and walks off! A good thing to bear in mind though. Ta :)
Just been to the vets with my lab pup Megan born 5/6/07 for her second injection and my vet wouldn't microchip at the same time I hope everything works out OK I will be following with more than a little interest
Hello leelapops love , hope you and Jack are both well :-)
Big tummy tickles for Jack from me , and a quick bum sniff and then a friendly face lick from Porsche. xx

Lab.lover, hope the lump has settled and that little Ruby is well. I am still laughing with the mental image I have of her with the dummy in her mouth.
Ear rubs and tummy tickles for Ruby :-) xx
Hi everyone.
I just rang the vets again as there is no change to Rubys' lump. Spoke to a different nurse this morning and she said I had nothing to worry about and that some dogs necks react at the site where the needle goes in. It could be up to 2 weeks before it goes. She is due to the vets tuesday for her next vaccination. I will see what he has to say then.
Does anyone elses puppy/dog get hic-ups. Ruby has them nearly everyday! It's so funny. She also cries and tries to bark in her sleep. Must be chasing cats in her dreams!
Hi, everyone! Yes, my border collie gets hiccups too. He sleeps on the landing outside my bedroom door & wakes me up in the middle of the night with the hiccups! He never wakes, though! Doesn't seem to do him any harm. Luv, K
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Morning bigmamma :) How are you? You are such a late nighter!

Thank you very much, Jack returns Porsche's love, with a cheeky wink, and wags his tail at you! Pleased you didn't get mixed up, or you would be sniffing his bum while Porsche paws his belly! *lol* Big licks all round :) lab.lover, glad it hasn't got worse. I would still be wary of getting her jabbed again while she's still lumpy, in case it triggers an even bigger reaction. Vet knows best though, I guess (am sure plenty of people would argue that, haha!)

Yvonne, a puppy! Awww. Big tickles for Megan.
Kleiber I am so tickled by that image! Jack doesn't get hiccups so much, but when he does he looks really baffled, and if he farts audibly, he looks at his tail in disgust and walks off! He twitches in his sleep and makes little grunty snuffly noises. What's not to love!

We're all mad!! nuts about our pets - isn't that nice? Sometimes I think animals are better than humans - they don't (usually) talk back & they're faithfull.
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Darn tootin', Kleiber! *lol*

Yes, I think too few people experience dog ownership, and it's a shame. Until I got Jack, I never knew what a pleasure and an education it would be to live with a dog. They are just amazing! Each one individual, in character, traits, appearance. Jack is a BC too.
I could talk forever about dogs and not get bored! I am part way through Jan Fennell's book, and I see what all the fuss was about now ;)

Mine's called Jake! My late, darling hubby chose the name from a Country song he liked, one line was "if I die before I wake, feed Jake - he's been a good dog" I miss him so much, but at least I've still got Jake.
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Oh Kleiber, that's lovely (and also very sad). You must be so glad you have Jake to remind you of your hubby, and also as a great dog in his own right :) x
Another mile stone for Megan today we have had a tremendous thunderstorm loud bangs and she never batted an eyelid The yard flooded and she was having great fun trying to catch the raindrops one extremely happy and very wet pup
Thanks, leelapops
Hi leelapops love , hope you are well , I am sometimes up late or into the wee small hours if my asthma is too bad for me to lie down and get to sleep , on a normal night though I like to be tucked up in my bed before midnight !!!
Cuddles to Jack :-) xx
Lab.lover mentions Ruby barks and cries in her sleep , yes my Porsche doesn't bark when she is awake but gives little barks , and sometimes louder , in her dreams , or seems to whimper too , and then theres the running legs movement too , hee hee , I often wonder what she is dreaming about :-) xx

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