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Can puppy go out in the garden before she has jabs?

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suzi-q | 14:34 Tue 01st Jul 2008 | Pets
2 Answers
Just thought, can I let my puppy outside at 8 weeks before she has had her jabs. She is having first one tomorrow. Is it safe to let her outside on the grass - its an enclosed garden? Was thinking germs-wise?


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yes of course! Don't let her meet other dogs unless you are SURE that they have been vaccinated and are clean and do check your garden for cat poo if you arer thus afflicted
vaccinatoions don't protect against germs per se, only the specific infections that they protect against. Do let the little honey outside and start her housetraining...if you let her go in the house on paper or puppy pads, you will then have to teach her NOT to go in the house later on.

How big is she and what breed?
My vets run a puppy socialisation group for pups to meet other pups before they have completed vaccinations. They are scrupulous about hygiene and you have to carry the pup into and out of the premises just in case but my pups loved might be worth asking your vet if they do soemthing similar, thy may well do as the groups are supplied puppy packs by the vaccine manufacturers
Far more dogs end up dead by lack of socialisation than ever die from catching something! I would get her out and about, carrying her and even letting her go down if there is anywhere you can take her that is not heavily populated with dogs, such as countryside around where you live. She is already mixing with your other dog (try not to take him/her where there are lots of local dogs peeing and pooing!). Germs will not harm her, only contact with an infected dog. I would add that even an innoculated dog can still carry diseases, so take care who she mixes with.

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Can puppy go out in the garden before she has jabs?

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