Bazigi most puppies do not have names when bought that is one of the delights left to the pups brand new owners, I would call it a anme you would like to and through gentle coaching and repeating its name rewarding him/her when they repond to your training this little pup will soon learn its name. Believe me you won't have to call it anything when feeding as it will be hungy. And as far as giving it a good telling off when it runs away, you SHOULD NOT allow a pup off the lead in the park until the pup is trained and has had the relevant injections and is older and knows its new name I will not comment on what you say about "Needs a good telling off", sounds like you do not deserve a puppy thinking that way already and so soon and NO the former owner was not irresponsibel, just NORMAL, as if he is a good breeder he will understand that MOST genuine dog owners get such amazing love out of giving their own puppies a name. If a woman had a baby would you expect it to be named before birth. Use your head please>>>>>>>>>>>