I have a skin tag on my rectum, when ever I go to the toilet, it can rub when wiping. I have been told they wont remove it as it will cause too much pain and discomfort to do this and the tag is safe.
I have today however been in a lot of pain especially when going to toilet, and noticed when applying some cream the skin tag feels very hard and sore. Does anyone have any idea what this may be?
I applied some annusol and hoping this makes it better, but anyone got any idea's?
Surely something can be done to help you Steve? Are you sure it's not a haemorroid? See your gp again and say again how painful this is. I would have thought it could be removed it if is a skin tag as they freeze the area. Anusol is very good but go back to your doc!
Thanks for replies, will get it checked again, but they said it would be more painful to have it removed, normally it does not cause any issues at all, its only today it seems to have swollen up and become very painful.
I had it checked by my GP and a consultant at hospital as I thought it was a external hermoroid, but was told it was definitely a skin tag and not worth removing. :(
I've had this from time to time, it is not a tag, you've got Piles you can push it back in make sure your hands are scrubbed before you do. Piles are varicose veins which swell and hang outside the body (sometimes like a bunch of grapes) Let your doctor examine you he will judge if you need treetment, Make sure you don't get constipated this agrivates the condition. Anusol is good & makes one feel comfortable, Push it back in whenever you can. Check Google for Piles to reassure you. Take Care.
i have one to right in the crack of my bum and sometims when i go to number 2s it bleeds ive had it checked out all is fine sometimes its just one of those things but get it checked out all the same its nothing to worry about honey x
Thanks again, did try and push it back yesterday it wont move, spoke to my GP/consultant today he has reconfirmed its a skin tag which has probably got twisted, he has prescribed some betnovate cream and said if its not gone in 10 days to go and see him but nothing to worry about - phew... it does feel a bit easier today already.
There is no blood what so ever, its purely like a mini football