It does not come under the dangerous dogs act, it is the Dogs Act 1871. Look at the defra website under control of dogs.
Dogs Act 1871
Although over 100 years old now this Act is possibly the most effective piece of dog control
legislation available to enforcers. Civil proceedings are brought at a Magistrates� Court and this
can be done by the police, local authorities, or individual members of the public.
This legislation should always be taken into consideration when enforcers are investigating any
incidents relating to dogs or when concerns are raised over an allegation of irresponsible dog
ownership. Furthermore, it can be particularly effective when dealing with attacks on other
domestic pets or livestock.
Section 2
Section 2 requires that the owner is brought before a Magistrates� court on a complaint and if the
Magistrate is satisfied that the complaint is justified they can make any order they feel appropriate
to require the owner to ensure that the dog is kept under proper control or in extreme cases
destroyed. Importantly this is regardless of whether the dog is in a private or public place. Note
proceedings must be commenced by way of a complaint.