Hi chrissa:
Thank you for those flattering comments. I can only assume from their tone that you are indeed heavily in favour of enhancing your bank account for no reason other than....mmmmhhhh....I couldn't really comment.
Sandringham? Why should I exhibit any bias towards it? An unfounded allegation on your part, and patently erroneous.
And I take it that you are not yourself "some downtrodden oik on the dole etc etc ?" Would that "type" have elicited a different opinion from me? No.
I simply gave you my honest opinion. I realise of course that your are free to do what you wish, however, by posing a question on sites such as this, any other subscriber is as entitled to comment, within reason, as I did.
Your conscience is your affair, but, hey, don't let me make you feel guilty, eh? I'm sure your mutt will enjoy his stud "duties". As will your bank balance.
By the way, don't wear out your exclamation marks on me, I'm probably not worth it, I'm only a....what was it again? "sn*tty nosed etc etc".
Is that a euphemism for "true animal lover"?