TV3 mins ago
Boxer Dog breeding
31 Answers
Hello all,just a quick question...
I have a 4 year old Stud Albino Boxer dog with 1 baby blue eye and 1 brown eye.I am looking to get him a litter however when i first bought him (privately) I paid £800 for him and he was given all he's first ingections with that.The seller also said he would send out the official document's for him after a few week's of waiting I didn't receive any paper's...I wanted either my money back or atleast the paper's.
However due to being scared he didn't have any papers i was scared the breeder who i bought it off would want to take the dog back.As you do i fell in love with my dog so was not willing to risk it..but now i would love to give my dog a litter I am wondering if it is still possible to breed him without he's papers.
Obviously i have emailed a number of people and once they see the pictures of my dog they also think he is a gorgeous animal..i have told all breeders we haven't got he's papers and the whole story and this has turned people off a bit (which i understand) so now im just thinking is there a way i can get him papers or something i can do to find him a breeder that is willing to go ahead without papers.
I no there are alot of rumours about albino boxer's and i would like to say all those rumours are false.I have had a brindle boxer in the past and she had nothing but problems,suffering with fit's,a tumour etc etc.The dog I have now is very healthy and not had one problem with him in the 4 years i have had him.So if there is anyone who could advice me on where to go from here i would be very greatful.
I have a 4 year old Stud Albino Boxer dog with 1 baby blue eye and 1 brown eye.I am looking to get him a litter however when i first bought him (privately) I paid £800 for him and he was given all he's first ingections with that.The seller also said he would send out the official document's for him after a few week's of waiting I didn't receive any paper's...I wanted either my money back or atleast the paper's.
However due to being scared he didn't have any papers i was scared the breeder who i bought it off would want to take the dog back.As you do i fell in love with my dog so was not willing to risk it..but now i would love to give my dog a litter I am wondering if it is still possible to breed him without he's papers.
Obviously i have emailed a number of people and once they see the pictures of my dog they also think he is a gorgeous animal..i have told all breeders we haven't got he's papers and the whole story and this has turned people off a bit (which i understand) so now im just thinking is there a way i can get him papers or something i can do to find him a breeder that is willing to go ahead without papers.
I no there are alot of rumours about albino boxer's and i would like to say all those rumours are false.I have had a brindle boxer in the past and she had nothing but problems,suffering with fit's,a tumour etc etc.The dog I have now is very healthy and not had one problem with him in the 4 years i have had him.So if there is anyone who could advice me on where to go from here i would be very greatful.
I think that many of the problems in the dog are attributable to people who breed unhealthy dogs with no consideratio n for their genes. Dogs should only be intentionall y bred if they are exceptional examples of their breed and carry no genes for inheritable illnesses.
Confused - your dog is healthy looking and has been healthy all its life. But you know...
Confused - your dog is healthy looking and has been healthy all its life. But you know...
16:07 Thu 06th Oct 2011
If he has blue and brown eyes he is not an albino. They have pink eyes and pigment. He is a white Boxer, which are not rare or special, just a colour that occurs naturally if the parents carry the white gene. The KC cannot help, only the breeder can register him or give you the transfer of ownership. No reputable breeder would use a dog without papers. Has he had any health tests, heart, hearing hips etc? White boxers are frowned upon by many people because of deafness problems and are a definite no no in the breed ring.
Without his papers how do you know what his bloodlines are? How would you know whether a potential mate was related to him? How would you know if the parents were health tested? I think you would have great difficulty in finding a genuine breeder to use him. Pedigree dog breeders get a lot of flack for producing puppies with problems, but you are planning to use him at stud without any safeguards as to the health of his offspring. Any decent breeder would want a registered, health tested stud of compatible blood lines to their bitch.
Without his papers how do you know what his bloodlines are? How would you know whether a potential mate was related to him? How would you know if the parents were health tested? I think you would have great difficulty in finding a genuine breeder to use him. Pedigree dog breeders get a lot of flack for producing puppies with problems, but you are planning to use him at stud without any safeguards as to the health of his offspring. Any decent breeder would want a registered, health tested stud of compatible blood lines to their bitch.
Thank's for the reply rocky,it was more when he was a pup i was worried that if i went back complaining about his papers that he would say he would want him back.They would have no chance of taking my dog off me lol,yeah this is the problem Im finding I thought there might be a company that handles this sorta thing or something.. ahh well come across as very rude,im asking a question and you seem to think something else.Where have i claimed he is special .. i assumed he was albino because i assumed all boxers that were white are albino ... I assumed there might be another way of gaining he's papers as the people we got him from obviously did not send us he's documents.Obviously he has health checks done every sixth months,I am told everytime he is in super condition,hearing etc all fine and that is why i wrote the above.. he has not had one problem since i had him,so the stuff about white boxers i find hard to believe.As i said where do i claim to no hes bloodline is or if the parents were health come across like a prick tbh and for no reason.Well I think it is up to me (the owner) if i choose to breed my dog and not yours...I didn't say i was breeding him yet,i wouldn't do that without making sure he's offspring would be just as healthy as he is.So come down off your high horse and slow your self down. come across as very rude,im asking a question and you seem to think something else.Where have i claimed he is special .. i assumed he was albino because i assumed all boxers that were white are albino ... I assumed there might be another way of gaining he's papers as the people we got him from obviously did not send us he's documents.Obviously he has health checks done every sixth months,I am told everytime he is in super condition,hearing etc all fine and that is why i wrote the above.. he has not had one problem since i had him,so the stuff about white boxers i find hard to believe.As i said where do i claim to no hes bloodline is or if the parents were health come across like a prick tbh and for no reason.Well I think it is up to me (the owner) if i choose to breed my dog and not yours...I didn't say i was breeding him yet,i wouldn't do that without making sure he's offspring would be just as healthy as he is.So come down off your high horse and slow your self down.
confused - do you really think it's fair to breed from your dog considering all the poor, unwanted dogs filling animal shelters up and down the country desperate for a home already? Bringing more dogs into the world when there simply aren't enough homes to go around for the ones already in it, doesn't seem responsible to me. Just a thought.
Lankeela may come across as rude but the basic facts are correct. I wouldn't be surprised if your dog didn't actually have papers as white boxers are not recognised by the kennel club so presumably can't be registered. Any reputable breeder would only sell one on the proviso that you never bred from him and hense would not give you papers even if they had them. Sadly the 'rumours' as you call them are a very real fact for a lot of dogs and the Kennel club do not want to promote the continuation of the 'white' gene for that very reason. I couldn't be happier that your dog has escaped without any of the defects associated with his genetics but sadly it may not be the case for his children, grandchildren etc etc. I would suggest that anyone considering breeding anything should have a basic grasp of genetics as it's the only way to ensure you breed healthy animals, it's not just about cute puppies.
I think you might find more help on the subject from your local boxer breed club and boxer breed forums.
I think you might find more help on the subject from your local boxer breed club and boxer breed forums.
Notyoungasiwas...As i can see from your post you don't no me as a person,i love animals and would never send an animal to somewhere i didn't think he would be fully looked after,as a stud i would have pick of a litter (not the whole litter) so i would only give a pup to someone who could look after the dog to the same standard or better than me,to blame me for other people's choice to send animals to animal shelters is frankly was a thought but a very stupid one tbh.I came on here asking for advice on breeding and how to go about a dog's paper's not to be moaned at by people who aint really got a clue what to write but just wanna for some unknown reason say it for saying it sake..
Ratty i understand the facts maybe correct but there is a way to talk to someone,she does not no me and i haven't said anything out of order so why come across in that way,i was seeking advice not a lecture,the seller didn't ask me if i was going to breed him he told me as i mentioned if you read properly he told me I would receive he's papers in the post within the next week..well i call them rumours because this dog im speaking about has been with me 4 years and had not one single problem (touch wood he doesn't ever) and my last boxer has countless problems,so i will call them rumours..I appreciate the advice i have never mated a dog before so appreciate you telling me he's pups could be affected etc i was unawhere of this and will be sure to research fully about this,thank you for the heads up.Although I do have a grasp on genetics and appreciate what your saying but in my opinion you can get a dog with papers etc etc but it doesn't mean he/she is going to produce healthy pups its about the animal itself not the "rumours" ...
I think iv come to the wrong forum as most of you people seem very ... self assured about yourselves shall i put it and it comes across as just sounding very sad tbh.
Ratty i understand the facts maybe correct but there is a way to talk to someone,she does not no me and i haven't said anything out of order so why come across in that way,i was seeking advice not a lecture,the seller didn't ask me if i was going to breed him he told me as i mentioned if you read properly he told me I would receive he's papers in the post within the next week..well i call them rumours because this dog im speaking about has been with me 4 years and had not one single problem (touch wood he doesn't ever) and my last boxer has countless problems,so i will call them rumours..I appreciate the advice i have never mated a dog before so appreciate you telling me he's pups could be affected etc i was unawhere of this and will be sure to research fully about this,thank you for the heads up.Although I do have a grasp on genetics and appreciate what your saying but in my opinion you can get a dog with papers etc etc but it doesn't mean he/she is going to produce healthy pups its about the animal itself not the "rumours" ...
I think iv come to the wrong forum as most of you people seem very ... self assured about yourselves shall i put it and it comes across as just sounding very sad tbh.
OO confused you do take offence don't you?? I know I don't know you, just as you don't know me and I stand by what I said. You bring more dogs into the world by breeding and there are more than enough dogs already. Who says I'm blaming you for other unwated dogs in shelters? They all need homes and you contribute to that by wanting to breed even more! I'm not sad, just concerned and you called someone one here a 'prick'. Shows just what sort of person you are !!
I think that many of the problems in the dog are attributable to people who breed unhealthy dogs with no consideration for their genes. Dogs should only be intentionally bred if they are exceptional examples of their breed and carry no genes for inheritable illnesses.
Confused - your dog is healthy looking and has been healthy all its life. But you know nothing about the genetic history.
If you want genuine advice they that is what the other people on the thread have given you. They know what they are talking about.
Confused - your dog is healthy looking and has been healthy all its life. But you know nothing about the genetic history.
If you want genuine advice they that is what the other people on the thread have given you. They know what they are talking about.
Notasyoung...I haven't to this point brought one dog into this anything previous is nothing to do with me is it.Your coming across as clueless,Iv just said i would if i were to breed and i got 1 PUP then i would make sure that dog goes to a home that i as an animal lover would be happy for him to live you telling me about other poor animals in shelters is nothing to do with me i also feel for them and think there owners are a scum tbh.Your telling me something im already fully awhere of so you wouldn't be telling me this unles you were aiming it at me,your concerned why..nothing was directed at i can see your just someone who likes to be involved when you have nothing to contribute with any point,very sad in my opinion.
ummmmmm... well they may (i doubt) no what there talking about but im asking a question doesn't mean they need to answer in the way they do,also i think only one person has actually answere my question even that come with random pointles info with it.
Lol ladybirder you some my point up exactly ..your posting what,there's no actual point to what you have posted .. see clever..
Wolf thank you mate appreciate the advice and i have read and taken in the valid infomation and i am thankful for that but when someone seem's to be attacking you for no reason when all your doing is asking a simple question,its just not needed..thank you for your response wolf much appreciated.
ummmmmm... well they may (i doubt) no what there talking about but im asking a question doesn't mean they need to answer in the way they do,also i think only one person has actually answere my question even that come with random pointles info with it.
Lol ladybirder you some my point up exactly ..your posting what,there's no actual point to what you have posted .. see clever..
Wolf thank you mate appreciate the advice and i have read and taken in the valid infomation and i am thankful for that but when someone seem's to be attacking you for no reason when all your doing is asking a simple question,its just not needed..thank you for your response wolf much appreciated.
Perhaps confused if you didn't call people the names you've called one of AB Users, people might be a bit more tolerant.
Lankeela is blunt, might come across as rude, though im sure it's unintentional- however she didn't resort to name calling and we'd all appreciate it if you didn't either.
Thanks :-)
Lankeela is blunt, might come across as rude, though im sure it's unintentional- however she didn't resort to name calling and we'd all appreciate it if you didn't either.
Thanks :-)
Boo i came here asking for a simple question,not an argument when someone ask's you something and you receive a rude reply im sure you would not appreciate either.I consider myself tolerent but when you have atleast 3 posters posting just to have there say (not even about what im talking about) then this is also unappreciated,surely you see that?I don't really care how blunt she is tbh if she replies in that tone then i will tell her what i think of her in the same manor she came accross to me,reply in a normal manor and you will get a normal response.See wolf for example...
Your more than welcome :)
Your more than welcome :)
Sorry you feel you haven't received the answers you wanted, however if I could just refer you to one of AnswerBank's rules which is....
"Discussions can get passionate but users should moderate their language and refrain from personal attacks and profanity"
Lankeela did not resort to name calling, which you did- again, we'd all appreciate if no matter how aggrieved you feel ,you'd refrain from doing it again.
Once again, thanks :-)
"Discussions can get passionate but users should moderate their language and refrain from personal attacks and profanity"
Lankeela did not resort to name calling, which you did- again, we'd all appreciate if no matter how aggrieved you feel ,you'd refrain from doing it again.
Once again, thanks :-)
Boo are you not reading my posts either dear,i didnt say i didnt get my question answered,i said there pointless info along with it is what is the annoying aww ok dear il listen to the ab rules don't you worry youself
Once again your more than welcome :)
Boxtops..they may no what there talking about but there are ways(repeat of what someone else has said and been answered but will repeat for you also) there are ways of saying something without coming across as so self assured/ if any new poster wants to reply please this as its the 4th time iv said it,they may no what there talking about (the odd 1) but those replys dont need to come with snide comment's..that is all
Once again your more than welcome :)
Boxtops..they may no what there talking about but there are ways(repeat of what someone else has said and been answered but will repeat for you also) there are ways of saying something without coming across as so self assured/ if any new poster wants to reply please this as its the 4th time iv said it,they may no what there talking about (the odd 1) but those replys dont need to come with snide comment's..that is all
Hi,I just read your post and found this information for you.It's a US site but still about breeding boxers. The 5th question down is relating to white boxers. I thought it may interest you. Health testing in all breeds is so important. I know only too well as my lab has a bilateral elbow OCD and is from fully health tested parents. We have been very unlucky but I'd never take the risk again. It's so unfair on the dogs.