All over my lawn this morning are holes , could it have been a mole or badger ? My cat is pretty spooked as well so something occurred in the garden last night.!!!!
No we don,t live in blackburn , holes too big to be caused by a woodpecker . No mounds of earth just earth and grass where whatever has dug down ??? !!!
Possibly squirrels. I get them in my garden at work...the holes are about 2-3" but it seems like the culprits are digging things up rather than burying things. Could also be young foxes learning to dig for worms and grubs .
My O/H found a hole where she had planted some lily-bulbs and they were just left untouched by whatever dug the hole, so she replanted them, and next day they were dug up again, so she has put an upturned wire basket over them this time with an house-brick on top. The hole measured about 9ins in diameter and 5ins deep. If whatever does it again, I`m getting out of here.
squirels, ours have finsihed destroying our lawn and have moved onto the wood chip in the front only to discover weed membrane lol. they have been in hyper burying mode dosnt bode well for winter. Also they will give cats what for and win seen it so many times and cat coming away with a bloody nose lol