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Dog destroying bin

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NoMercy | 22:21 Fri 28th Oct 2011 | Animals & Nature
54 Answers
Everytime we go out, Alfie destroys the bin and distributes the contents all over the house. Obviously we need to remember to lock it away but oftentimes we are in such a rush to get to work that we forget.

I don't want to start shutting the internal doors, thereby confining him to any little part of the house.

My question is why does he keep doing it when he knows he is going to get told off? (he is often hiding when we get back).

Is he just greedy and foraging for food or is he rebelling?


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Pablo as a puppy about 1yr and a half ago!!

Lovely tinkerbell l o l
Hes just a wee baby there. Oh well at least he had fun eh! Hahaha!!

Just cant stay mad at them tho! X
You say he's rescued from Spain. Rescue dogs nearly always come with problems. My own dog is a rescue from the RSPCA and suffers from separation anxiety whenever I'm not there, this has manifested itself in him emptying the bin, which I now always move so he can't reach it. Alfie doesn't know he's done wrong, he hides away from you when you come home because he associates you coming home with being told off!
I have had similar problems with a rescue dog from last February but, unfortunately I had to find him a new home 3 weeks ago, as she was destroying my new carpet, chewing my furniture and digging up my lawn.

It just got to much even though I loved her.
Poor dog - I hope she settles in her new home, but what if she still has the same problems, will they move her on too?
we have a beagle and she will eat anything whether its edible or not , have had labs and never had a bin while we had them it wasnt worth the hassle couldnt leave anything on the worktops either as he would jump up and pinch whatever was on them a shredded tea towel makes a lovely mess as well , now have the bin inside the cupboad but never put any food in it , just get rid of the bin mercy it will save you no end of stress
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Whenever I come home on a good day (ie no destruction) I always get a baggy welcome. He only hides when he's been de-binning. I am sure he knows what he's done and its linked to greed more than anything.
I thought from the headline that this question was about some gas-chamber for pooches. I'm glad it's not.
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Waggy welcome. Mwahahaha!.
Just keep your bin under the sink, problem solved.

I did giggle at the video of Pablo looking all sweet and innocent Mwahahaha!.
Oh, L O L is being replaced with Mwahahaha!
Mwahahaha! Mwahahaha! Mwahahaha! just testing
Hey Nox, I used to say things like 'bloody thing' about my dog too, because she could be an old scrote when she wanted to be ... then two weeks ago she chased a cat and before I could stop her she was under the wheels of a lorry. She wagged her tail twice and died in my husband's arms as he sobbed over her and now we have the biggest 'dog shaped' empty hole in our house and in our lives. Someone is giving us a new dog today, whom they can't cope with anymore because they have two small children, and I'm going to find it impossible to tell him off for anything I think. I didn't know it could be sooooo painful!
Julia , that is so sad. Hope the new dog will soon appreciate the good home its entering and put a smile back on your face.
Julia - so sad for you, but glad you have a new foster-dog ♥

NoM - it's nothing to do with being hungry. My catz had tea last night, then begged for more food at 930 - then I came down this morning to a dead mouse and the remains of a pigeon (ever woken up to a feather carpet?). It's the "here's food, let's find it" syndrome, whether they are hungry or not.
NoMercy, our dog is Ok with being left for a reasonable lentgh of time, but if we are out for more than 2 hours we give her a treat ball / toy. Keeps her amused.She tends to shake a toy in objection as we leave the house but that is the only objection she seems to show.
Another dog we had years ago, was destructive, we used to leave a small waste bin with scrunched up paper and one or two favorite balls/sqeakies hidden in it. You still have some mess but they concentrate on the contents of the bin.
I think he's rebelling. A few years a go we had relations staying with us and one day we all, including our dog, went to the seaside. The four youngsters bought polystyrene surfboards and on returning home left them in the kitchen while we went out for a meal, minus the dog this time. We returned to a very large pile of polystyrene chips and he certainly wasn't repentant, looked quite pleased with his evenings work.
Vulcan, a bet that was a pain to clear up, all those stactic little polystyrene balls.
Yes but that dog had the most wonderful time ripping it all up. Bless:-)

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