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piano lessons for a budgie..?

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Zhukov | 10:50 Sat 18th Feb 2012 | Animals & Nature
39 Answers
..would the expense be justified,or are Budgies a bit tone-deaf?


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I think you should let your budgie have piano lessons then Simon Cowell will have the makings of a new show, 'Budgie's got talent.'
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I"m not some "Show-biz"Dad,you know...and I don"t want to put pressure on Peter to perform..
do you think that the reach of its toes would be wide enough to play a scale, or would it just boing along the notes?
I understand Zhukov but you are probably depriving us of possibly watching Peter perform at the Royal Albert Hall one day,think about it.
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I was hoping the little guy would Bach"s Toccata &Fugue..kinda level soon..he is very keen..
There you go then, can I have a ticket to watch him perform at his first concert?
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you"ll be on Peters guest list,missprim..
My moronic moggies like meow-sic so can they get tickets for his first concert.
Looking forward to it Zhukov. All you need now is a budgie who can hold a matchstick to conduct Peter.
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I can foresee trouble,with your moggies attending,wolfie..
Nope, neither do I as it would mean them having to stay awake for over 5 minutes and actually not try to kill each other for a short time - siblings!

Did the owl fly the nest? Does that mean that the bird sanctuary isn't getting any dosh?
Any idea what hapened to the owl thread Zhukov?
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..that Bird has flown,humber..! ;0))
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..I wonder what the "poor chap".?,will do now,with his £..Millions..? ;0P~
Maybe he got my begging letter!
Ah, so I see Zhukov. :-0

And the alien seeking conspriacy theorist is suspended too. Bravo Jack the Hat!

Hope Peter's doing well btw.
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...Peter is *tweeting* at the mo..and watching Football on Telly..but he is trilled you asked...sends his best! ;0))
Now you see, you'd never get an owl doing that either ;-)
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#Peterperfect :0)

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piano lessons for a budgie..?

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