Tortoises in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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oscarman | 22:48 Thu 12th May 2005 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
I have two tortoises that I have to rehome or sell.  Is it legal to sell tortoises privately in this country still. Can anyone help?
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They pop up here at my rescue now and again. Try www.tortoisecentre.co.uk..that has loads of info.


PP your link's doesn't work!!

hopefully this one does


Ed please edit this and spare my embarassment!!

It isn't illegal oscarman but I presume you have a Defra certificate which you must have in order to sell them on.

What kind are they? And can I ask why you're having to give them up?

p.s I believe you can give them away (to a relative or friend who has the right set-up for them and knows how to look after them-but they must be aware that they're not just garden pets and the initial equipment set-up can cost in excess of �100 ) and they can only be kept as pets. Don't be tempted to give or sell  them to a pet-shop or dealer. I obtained mine from the breeder and I just love'em but then I have been fascinated by them since I kept one as a child. If you lived near me I would love to give them a home. Provided you obtain the Article 10 (Cites) certificates for each one, you can sell them.

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